Tuesday, February 19, 2013

DHS Supplier provides shooting targets - not just American gun owners as targets , but pregnant women , children and old folks presented as hostiles with guns...... And as the Newtown shooting false flag op flails away - the latest spin is Lanza was competing with Norwegian psycho Anders Brevik ! Naturally nothing to support this whatsoever.......Mexico wants the US Senate to provide list of gun owners in border states - recall how publication worked out for gun owners in NY when they were " outed " by the newspaper ?

DHS in action - how guns get taken......



Department-of-Homeland-Security-SSGuest Post by by Robert Farago
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently raided one of our readers: a kitchen table FFL dealer who does everything—everything—by the book. He has, however, consistently criticized the ATF for its unconstitutional regulations and long history of extra-legal activities. This is his story.

First of all, forget about them coming to the door. They’ll intercept you on your way home from the Doctor’s office (for example), then one vehicle will come up behind you and two will block your way in front and turn on the flashing lights. They then jump out with ‘real’ assault rifles, point them at you and order your hands up, and exit the vehicle.  You, being a law abiding citizen, comply. At gunpoint, they order you to assume the position against your car, handcuffs you and frisk you, and you’re directed to get into the back seat. Then the lead agent gets into the driver seat and drives your car to your driveway. You sit there with cuffed hands behind you – bleeding.

As multiple vehicles close off the street and announce over a loudspeaker for all your neighbors to remain indoors (and are prohibited from leaving), the lead agent calls your house and directs your wife to come out of the house – and sit in the front seat. She does. Then the Homeland Security Special Tactical Unit, and the county sheriff Swat Team arrive, and drive two armored cars over the curb onto the lawn, as the “Jack Booted Thugs” with machine guns, helmets, boots, camo, etc. enter and search your house.
You see a Homeland Security Helocopter circling overhead. You are asked if you have any explosives (well, several cans of black powder….) and are there any booby traps in the house. They offer to let you read the search warrant, but your hands are cuffed behind your back. The agent in your car reads it very quickly.
After the Jack Booted Thugs are through, teams arrive to search and ransack the house. After about an hour, you are released and NO CHARGES are filed. You are required to stay beyond the perimeter as they set up tables in your yard and begin to paw through and process your worldly possessions.
You finally realize that they’re going to keep an eye on you, but you go to a neighbor to make phone calls – and find a good lawyer, who arrives on site, but is kept out by the agents. The agents search one of your cars and release it to you. Hours later, knowing there is nothing you can do on site, you leave and arrange a motel for the night.
Later, about 9PM (12 hours later), you phone your house and an agent answers, then advises you they’re about to leave. You drive to your house to see four Feds in your front yard, ready to leave. They tell you they don’t know where the house key is (which you gave them), nor where your cat is. They hand you a copy of the search warrant, but fail to provide a copy of the inventory (which they give you two days later).
You examine your house. Your computers are gone along with every extra & old hard drive, all data cds, floppies, thumb drives, compact flash drives, and other SD drives for your camera. But most shocking, is that your entire gun collection, which you spent a lifetime building, is gone.

Antique guns, airguns, non-guns. Virtually everything. One antique shotgun lies broken on the floor. Papers are strewn everywhere. Once they looked at it, and didn’t want it, they just tossed it aside. Piles of paper. The house is trashed – every room. Your clothing has been ransacked. Your wife’s clothing and underwear. You don’t even know what is missing. You look around, feel sick, lock up the house and go to the motel.
You return the next day to try to start to get things back in order, but realize it will take weeks.
Later, you find out that the affidavit which justified the search warrant is sealed – and you can’t even find out why they searched and seized. A few days later, the sworn affidavit is unsealed, and you find out that the agent lied repeatedly, told half-truths, speculated about possible violations, and related his ‘suspicions’ with no basis in fact – and that the search warrant is nothing more than a gigantic fishing expedition to see what they could find . . .


DHS Contractor Apologizes For Selling Shooting Targets of Children

“Offensive” cut-outs depicting pregnant women, gun owners in residential settings removed from website
By Paul Joseph Watson
February 22, 2013
A company which received $2 million dollars from the DHS has apologized and taken offline “no more hesitation” shooting targets which depicted pregnant women, children, and elderly gun owners in residential settings as “non-traditional threats,” following an online uproar.
As we first reported on Tuesday, Law Enforcement Targets Inc. (LET), a Minneapolis based company that has received almost $2 million dollars in contracts from the Department of Homeland Security over the last three years, recently began selling cardboard cut-out targets designed to desensitize police to “non-traditional threats,” including pregnant women, mothers in school playgrounds, and little boys, as well as elderly gun owners in their homes.
The company’s relationship with the DHS, along with thousands of law enforcement agencies, led to fears that the targets could be connected with Homeland Security’s purchase of roughly 2 billion rounds of ammunition over the last year, which many fear is linked to preparations for mass social unrest. As we documented, the LET’s contracts with the DHS were for “training aids” and “paperboard”.
In its apology, posted on the company’s website as well as Facebook, LET acknowledged that the targets were requested by law enforcement agencies.
We apologize for the offensive nature of our “No More Hesitation” products. These products have been taken offline due to the opinions expressed by so many, including members of the law enforcement community.
This product line was originally requested and designed by the law enforcement community to train police officers for unusually complex situations where split-second decisions could lead to unnecessary loss of life.
Consistent with our company mission as a training supplier (not a training methods company), we will continue to seek input from law enforcement professionals to better serve their training objectives and qualification needs. We sincerely appreciate law enforcement professionals for the risks they take in providing safety and defending freedom.
The company’s excuse that the targets were designed to help police prevent “unnecessary loss of life” is highly dubious given that the images were all of armed individuals termed “non-traditional threats,” designed to ensure “no more hesitation” from police officers encountering them.
As one respondent to the company explained, “Look, each of the supposed “threats” appeared to be in their own home settings.
They were also all holding a weapon….it is obvious these paper targets were never intended to be decoy (don’t shoot targets). It is apparent this was designed to assist in desensitizing the trainee.”
In addition, the company had previously struck a different tone when it told Reason’s Mike Riggs that the targets were designed to combat, “hesitation on the part of cops when deadly force is required on subjects with atypical age, frailty or condition.”
Although the targets have been taken off the company’s website, it’s unclear whether or not they have been removed from sale entirely.
Mike Lilly, a retired 32-year police officer, demanded that the targets be discontinued completely.
“Whomever convinced you this was a good idea needs psychological counseling.
Proper training and readiness is NOT dependent on shooting pictures of pregnant women and children. Anyone who says otherwise is seriously mistaken or has another agenda It is noted that you say they were taken OFFLINE. Have they been DISCONTINUED AND RECALLED?” he stated.
Lilly’s concern was echoed by retired City of Houston police officer T.F. Stern, who asked why police officers were being trained “to feel nothing’s wrong in shooting a pregnant lady or an old man with a shotgun inside his own home.”


Company Behind Shooting Targets of Children Received $2 Million From DHS

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Contracts were for “training aids” and “paperboard”
Paul Joseph Watson
February 20, 2013
The company behind controversial shooting targets that include images of children, pregnant women and elderly gun owners received almost $2 million dollars in contracts from the Department of Homeland Security.
Minnesota-based Law Enforcement Training Inc., which brags of its close relationship with the DHS and thousands of law enforcement agencies, has stoked outrage after producing shooting targets which feature “non traditional” threats amidst banal environments such as a pregnant woman in a nursery, a mother in a school playground and a little boy.
The company reacted to the furore by asserting the products helped override “hesitation on the part of cops when deadly force is required on subjects with atypical age, frailty or condition,” and to “break that stereotype on the range, regardless of how slim the chances are of encountering a real life scenario that involves a child, pregnant woman, etc.”

Following concerns that the issue could be linked with Homeland Security’s purchase of around 2 billion bullets over the last year, which many fear is linked to preparations for domestic disorder, it has now emerged that Law Enforcement Training Inc. has racked up contracts worth almost $2 million dollars with the DHS over the last three years.

The vast majority of those contracts were for “training aids” and “paperboard,” according to the USASpending.gov website, which lists numerous different contracts each in the region of $150,000 and $180,000 dollars stretching back to early 2010 and running through to July 2012.
While it is not known whether the DHS purchased the “no hesitation” targets, a company representative admitted to a customer that law enforcement agencies had “requested” at least one of the images which depicted a pregnant woman as a “threat”.
A customer who called Law Enforcement Inc. yesterday told Infowars that the company informed him the targets were, “strictly for Department of Homeland Security and other law enforcement agencies.”
The story has prompted widespread condemnation on the Internet, with Law Enforcement Inc. being slammed by Facebook users after it issued a statement.
Retired City of Houston police officer T.F. Stern reacted to the issue by remarking, “There’s something wrong, seriously wrong here. If we start to desensitize law enforcement officers, have them disregard humanity, to feel nothing’s wrong in shooting a pregnant lady or an old man with a shotgun inside his own home…then what kind of society have we become? How will police officers react after they no longer believe they are part of the society which they have been charged with policing, when they have become used to shooting pregnant ladies and old men?”

*  *  * 


( WTF ? )

DHS Supplier Provides Shooting Targets of American Gun Owners

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Company produces cardboard cut-outs of “non-traditional threats”: Pregnant women, elderly & children
Paul Joseph Watson
February 19, 2013
A provider of “realistic” shooting targets to the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies has created a line of “non-traditional threat” targets that include pregnant women, mothers in playgrounds and elderly American gun owners.
Law Enforcement Targets, Inc. is a 21-year designer and full service provider of training targets for the DHS, the Justice Department and thousands of law enforcement agencies throughout the country.
The company’s website offers a line of “No More Hesitation” targets ”designed to give officers the experience of dealing with deadly force shooting scenarios with subjects that are not the norm during training.” The targets are, “meant to help the transition for officers who are faced with these highly unusual targets for the first time.”
The targets include “pregnant woman threat,” “older man with shotgun,” “older man in home with shotgun,” “older woman with gun,” “young school aged girl,” “young mother on playground,” and “little boy with real gun.”
Why are top training target suppliers for the government supplying the likes of the DHS with “non-traditional threat” targets of children, pregnant women, mothers in playgrounds, and elderly American gun owners unless there is a demand for such items?
This is particularly alarming given the fact that the Department of Homeland Security has purchased roughly 2 billion rounds of ammunition over the course of the last year, enough to wage a near 30 year war.
In comparison, during the height of active battle operations in Iraq, US soldiers used 5.5 million rounds of ammunition a month.
The DHS also purchased no less than 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles last September, labeling them “Personal Defense Weapons.”
The fact that targets of armed pregnant women, children, mothers in playgrounds, and American gun owners in general are being represented as “non traditional threats” “for the first time” is deeply concerning given the admitted preparations for civil unrest undertaken by Homeland Security as well as other federal agencies.
A leaked US Army Military Police training manual for “Civil Disturbance Operations” also outlines how military assets are to be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest.
This also dovetails with the continuing characterization of Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists by DHS-funded studies.

The US military trained last year to take on another “unusual target” – zombies – which some fear is just a ruse to get troops used to engaging crowds of people with deadly force. As Alex Jones documented in his film Police State 2000, numerous “urban warfare” training drills stretching back well over a decade have revolved around incarcerating and battling the American people on domestic soil.
See the other “non-traditional threats” that are being provided in the form of shooting targets to the DHS and thousands of law enforcement agencies below.
Note: The website containing these targets has crashed since this article was published, but this graphic shows a screenshot of the page with the URL visible.

The Connecticut State Police aren't providing any information concerning the two wounded men shot on December 14th at Newtown - but they have the time to roll out this spin.....


Police Claim Lanza in “Direct Competition” with Norwegian Shooter Breivik

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Kurt Nimmo
February 19, 2012

Birds of a feather? Corporate media reports Adam Lanza (left) tried to outdo the Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik (right).
The establishment media is keeping the Sandy Hook shooting story alive as Democrats scurry to force through legislation outlawing semiautomatic firearms the government considers military assault weapons.
On Tuesday, CBS News reported that police in Connecticut say the suspected shooter, Adam Lanza, “was in direct competition with Norwegian mass-shooter Anders Breivik” and “was motivated by violent video games and a goal of killing more ‘easiest targets’ than the 77 people killed by Breivik near Oslo in July 2011.”
After killing 77 people in Oslo in 2011, Breivik was described as a xenophobe “Nordicist” who hates Muslims and multiculturalism. “The murderer from Norway did not, it would seem, come out of nowhere,” commented Der Spielgel. “Rather, he had found an ideological home among those seeking to cleanse Europe of Islam and multi-culturalism.” Following his rampage targeting white Norwegians, the corporate media linked him to nationalist political parties in Britain.
Lanza, on the other hand, was described as a recluse suffering from Asperger syndrome, a high functioning form of autism. It is said he also played video games obsessively, including Call of Duty and Starcraft, according to corporate media accounts.
Both federal and state governments have exploited the Sandy Hook shooting and Lanza’s purported mental illness to push legislation outlawing an entire class of firearms and mandating mental health screening for firearms owners and purchasers.
In January, Hennepin County Minnesota Sheriff Richard W. Stanek was trotted out by the Obama administration to underscore the argument that mental health checks should be required for Americans who exercise the Second Amendment.
“What the more realistic discussion is, ‘How do we target people with mental illness who use firearms?’,” said Republican Representative Mike Rogers of Michigan a few days after the Connecticut shooting.
Government bureaucrats have reacted to violent video games in predictable fashion – they are calling for a “sin tax” to be imposed on the popular form of entertainment.
Debralee Hovey, a Republican State Representative from Connecticut, has proposed a 10 percent tax on video games and a mandatory rating scheme. “I would love to have the industry step up and say, ‘We don’t need a law. We don’t need a tax. But we are willing to do a PSA for these games,’” she told Variety.

Put a bullseye on these gun owners if this actually occurs .....


Why Is Mexico Asking the U.S. Senate for a Registry of U.S. Gun Owners?
Mexican lawmakers will ask the U.S. Senate to create a registry of all commercialized firearms in border states, which includes California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Mexico says it will make it easier to trace guns used in violent attacks.

The measure was reportedly approved on January 9 by Mexico’s Permanent Commission, a government entity that meets when Mexico’s Senate and the Chamber of Deputies is in recess. Gun owners in Arizona are calling the proposal “foolish” and an “invasion of privacy.”

A number of the gun owners interviewed by KPHO-TV also referenced the Obama administration’s disastrous gun-running operation known as “Fast and Furious.”
The operation, conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), allowed illegal straw buyers to walk across the border with nearly 2,000 firearms, including semi-automatic rifles. The weapons ultimately ended up in the hands of Mexican drug cartel members and were used in a number of crimes, including murders and kidnappings.
Further, a gun from Fast and Furious was found at the murder scene of U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry in December of 2010.
Democrats in Congress have been calling for a ban on semi-automatic rifles and universal background checks for all firearms sales, some even calling for a national gun registry. Further,Democrats in Missouri and California have proposed bills that would result in the possible confiscation of semi-automatic rifles.
TheBlaze has reached out to several members of the U.S. Senate and will update this story as new information becomes available.

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