Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Possible school massacre prevented ? Looks like Virginia 's Giles County School System , the Giles County Sheriff Department and the Virginia State Police take those " internet rumors " surrounding Sandy Hook , the map in the recent Bat Man movie and blogger conjecture much more seriously that the MSM......

was the reference to Narrows a reference to a Bridge , not a school ???

Possible School Massacre Averted? Sandy Hook Batman Conspiracy Causes Virginia School System To Issue Warning
Tuesday, January 1, 2013 20:27

The Giles County School System in Virginia has issued a public warning based upon a website’s fear that more school systems may be targeted based upon a map in the Batman Dark Knight movie. The schools in question in Virginia are called ‘Narrows’ elementary, middle and high schools, a reference to a possible target on the map in question. Straight from the Giles County Public School’s website.:

January 1, 2013 

Dear Parents/Guardians: 

On the evening of Dec. 27th, 2012, the Giles County Sheriff’s Department, the 

Town of Narrows police department, and the Giles County Schools, were notified by the 

Va. State police regarding information on a web-site.  This web-site discussed the 

shootings that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut.  Included 

in this discussion on the web-site was how “Sandy Hook” was referenced in the Batman 

movie “The Dark Knight Rising.”  This reference was in a map that appeared in a scene 

in this movie.  Another zone on this map appearing in the movie was “Narrows.”  The 

author, who posted this article, did an online Google search based “on a hunch” for 

“Narrows Schools.”  From this search, information for Narrows Elementary/Middle 

School and Narrows High School appeared. 

 Based on this information, we have been in communication with our local law 

enforcement officials (i.e. – the Sheriff’s Department and Town of Narrows police) to 

discuss this issue further.  Additional precautions have been taken for the immediate 

future and additional safeguards will be installed at each of our facilities in the near 


Again, please realize that there were no specific threats made against any of our 

schools in Giles County.  However, based on this information, we are working with our 

local law enforcement officials to continue to ensure the safety of our students and our 

staff members. 

 If you have any questions, please contact your child(s) school or the Giles 

County School Board office.   


Dr. Terry E. Arbogast, II 


- Sandy Hook seen in map of Gotham City in Dark Knight Rises
- Narrows also seen, person finds Narrows, VA
- State police are notified
- Schools shut down

Here is the map theyre talking about. To the bottom left of the “Strike Zone 2″ circle, youll see a place called Narrows

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you see the Google map overlay of Narrow High School and the match to map in the Batman movie. This is weird. It was the same thing with Sandy Hook.
