Friday, January 18, 2013

Police State updates - TSA folds after lie revealed about the naked scanners ....Curious drill where second amendment supported viewed as nuclear terrorists.....And note this previously undisclosed nugget on Sandy Hook - haven't seen this detail regarding the camo man caught in the woods before - who would have thought he was an off duty Swat Officer from another town , who just happened to be in the vicinity ? ?

Oh, Did The TSA Lie?
Naw, the government would never lie to the people, right?
The U.S. Transportation Security Administration will remove airport body scanners that privacy advocates likened to strip searches after OSI Systems Inc. (OSIS)couldn’t write software to make passenger images less revealing.
TSA will end a $5 million contract with OSI’s Rapiscan unit for the software after Administrator John Pistole concluded the company couldn’t meet a congressional deadline to produce generic passenger images, agency officials said in interviews.
If you remember we were told that these images did not reveal details that would be considered "pornographic" to a reasonable person.  Well, then why did they terminate the contract and are they removing the scanners, if the reason was that they couldn't fix the images displayed to not be explicit?
Oh darn.
The problem with these sorts of devices is that they don't prevent circumvention (e.g. bribery.)
Nor do they prevent people from getting on planes without valid Passports and Visas, which if you remember was the case with the "underwear bomber" that set all of this fury off in the first place.
Nobody has answered the obvious question yet:  How did this jackass get on the plane without valid documents?  How did he get through security in the first instance, and why was the plane cleared into US airspace without verification that all the people on board had valid travel documents when it is a fact that passenger manifests are transmitted to the US Government before the plane is cleared into US airspace?
If you can't be bothered to make sure someone has a document then so-called "physical security" is a joke.


Drill Characterizes “Disgruntled” Second Amendment Advocates as Terrorists

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Ohio exercise centers around WMD plot
Paul Joseph Watson
January 18, 2013
A safety exercise involving police, national guard and emergency management officials in Portsmouth, Ohio was centered around the premise that individuals “disgruntled over the government’s interpretation of the Second Amendment” plotted to use weapons of mass destruction to terrorize the local community.
The exercise, which took place yesterday, was run by the Ohio Army National Guard 52nd Civil Support Unit, Scioto County first responders as well as local law enforcement.
“The make-believe scenario is timely,” reports WSAZ News Channel 3, “Two school employees who are disgruntled over the government’s interpretation of the Second Amendment, plot to use chemical, biological and radiological agents against members of the local community.”
The drill revolved around the scenario of the two pro-second amendment advocates killing a teacher before setting up a chemical lab to develop weapons of mass destruction.
Portsmouth Fire Chief Bill Raison said the exercise was necessary due to the threat of domestic terrorism.
“Most people think it’s not very likely. But we forget that there’s a lot of domestic terrorism. There’s organizations and things that go on within the United States that can be every bit as devastating as the international terrorism is. The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist event. So we need to understand that those kinds of potential are here on a domestic level. And then also I think we need to remember that we’re not exempt from international terrorism. In fact, if I wanted to terrorize this country I would terrorize small town America,” Raison told the Portsmouth Daily Times.
The portrayal of pro-second amendment advocates as violent terrorists is sure to raise some eyebrows amidst a national debate about gun control following the Sandy Hook school massacre.
However, as we have exhaustively documented in the past, this is by no means the first time that Americans with constitutionalist political views have been demonized as dangerous radicals by both federal and state authorities in the context of so-called safety drills.
A 2009 New York Times report detailed how Homeland Security was training boy scouts to take on and disarm “disgruntled veterans” who are described as “terrorists”.
A number of drills have also been focused around the scenario of homeschooling parents turning into violent terrorists, including an exercise for the Muskegon Area Intermediate School District in 2004 which depicted a fictitious radical group called Wackos Against Schools bombing a school bus full of children.
Alex Jones has documented foreign troops being trained on U.S. soil to deal with “insurgents” since the late 1990′s as part of “urban warfare drills”.
In March 2009 we broke the story of the infamous MIAC report, leaked to us by two concerned Missouri police officers. The report listed Ron Paul supporters, libertarians, people who display bumper stickers, people who own gold, or even people who fly a U.S. flag and equates them with radical race hate groups and terrorists.
A study released last year funded by the Department of Homeland Security also characterizes Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists.

and this little Sandy hook nugget trickles out - why was he running away into the woods and apprehended by police  ? What was an of duty SWAT Officer at Sandy Hook and why didn't he try to help - the man was SWAT for Pete's sake ?  ......

Sandy Hook Mystery Man Identified; Why Did This Off Duty SWAT Officer Armed With A Gun Run Off Into The Woods Instead Of Helping The Students?
Tuesday, January 15, 2013 19:01



The mysterious man shown being pursued by the police after the Sandy Hook shooting in this video has been 'identified' as an off-duty AND ARMED tactical squad police officer from another Connecticut district, according to the Newtown Bee.:

A man with a gun who was spotted in the woods near the school on the day of the incident was an off-duty tactical squad police officer from another town, according to the source. 

This development brings up more questions than it answers: why was a SWAT team officer armed with a gun in the vicinity of the Newtown shooting PRIOR to the shooting AND WHY is he running away from the shooting as A COWARD would do, instead of running in to the school seeing that he was armed with a gun? I guarantee this, my martial arts instructor, a former police officer, would have been inside that building in two seconds flat if it were him, especially being armed with a gun, rather than running away from the scene. Something is very fishy here and this newly released information from the Newtown Bee only adds fuel to the fire. Is this the smoking gun? A SWAT Team officer was at the school with a gun and he ran away into the woods? If that's typical behavior of SWAT in Connecticut, who needs them?

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