Saturday, January 26, 2013

Iran talks with the P5 + ! - now pushed back to Febuary ..... will anything get accomplished this time around ? Syria War starting to fade from the media spotlight as French adventure in Mali the new War toy ...

Iran, EU Trade Blame as Talks Pushed Back to February

EU Officials Claim Iran 'Dragging Their Feet' on Setting a Date

by Jason Ditz, January 25, 2013
Planned January talks between the P5+1 and Iran are not going to happen, primarily because January is almost over and they haven’t agreed on either a date or location. Whose fault this is, however, is a matter of serious dispute.
EU officials are accusing Iran of “dragging their feet,” saying they have not been able to present their offer for January talks successfully so far. Iranian officials, on the other hand, say they are more than willing for such a talk, and that the EU simply isn’t ready for the meeting yet.
At the core of the dispute are the very different ways in which the two groups behave diplomatically, with Iran often raising its proposed venues in public statements to the international press, comments which the US and European Union often treats as if they never happened, insisting on secret proposals delivered through formal channels.
Iran and the P5+1 have regularly met over the past several years, but only came close to an agreement once, in which Iran formally accepted a US offer of a nuclear exchange for fuel rods, which the US then withdrew and condemned Iran for accepting.
Western officials have speculated Iran is more eager to make a deal now because of the damage international sanctions have done to their economy. At the same time, each round of talks comes with new US demands for Iran to meet, so there is always a race between Iran’s willingness to make a deal and the US determination to make the terms even more onerous.


Devil Is in the Details for Iran Nuclear Deal
by , January 26, 2013
After a year of fruitless negotiations that are expected to resume soon, Iranian and U.S. experts are urging both sides to show more flexibility and make more concessions on its nuclear programme.
letter written this month by seven former Iranian parliamentarians now living in exile urges Iran and the P5+1 – the U.S., Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany – to pursue a “win-win outcome” by incorporating four points into an agreement.
The letter states that Iran should be able to enrich uranium up to five percent for peaceful purposes; Iran should be given fuel for its medical and scientific research reactors if it halts its enrichment of 20 percent uranium and allows the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to control its existing stockpile; Iran should implement the Additional Protocol as a “confidence-building measure”; and Iran should be provided with a timetable for the lifting of sanctions if it halts its 20 percent uranium enrichment.
“The proposal reminds us that there is in fact a reasonable solution to this confrontation, one that satisfies each side’s core interests and removes any need for war,” Stephen Walt, a Harvard international relations professor, told IPS.
“The only question is whether leaders in Washington and Tehran will be smart and far-sighted enough to seize it.”
Speaking Thursday on behalf of all the letter’s cosigners at the Wilson Center, former Iranian parliamentarians and democracy activists Fatemeh Haghighatjoo and Seyed Aliakbar Mousavi advocated for direct talks between Iran and the U.S. while discussing their proposal.
They argued that a deal can be made this year because Iran’s Supreme Leader is desperate for a “small victory” to reestablish his declining authority and because President Barack Obama is no longer hindered by re-election considerations – as long as both sides act with the other’s predicaments in mind.
“Both sides should think that they will gain something out of a new round of negotiations,” said Fatemeh Haghighatjoo, who remains an active participant in Iran’s democracy movement.
“The nuclear file has to be closed in order for (the) Iranian people to take power,” she said.
Although concerns over an Israeli strike on Iran have significantly decreased since Obama refused to align the U.S.’s “red line” on Iran (a nuclear weapon) with Israel’s red line (nuclear weapon capability), the threat of a military conflict is still in the horizon as efforts to reach a deal continue to fail.
U.S. experts included on the Wilson Center panel argued that the letter provides a “useful” framework for an agreement, but is lacking in the way of important details.
George Perkovich, a nuclear policy expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said Iran’s belief that it has a right to enrich uranium peacefully in accordance with the NPT is a matter of interpretation rather than fact.
“From the standpoint of the P5+1 (acknowledging Iran’s right to peaceful nuclear enrichment) is a huge concession,” he said, adding that the P5+1 “also understand(s) that there won’t be a diplomatic outcome if that isn’t one of the concessions.”
Perkovich also stated that concerns over past nuclear weapons-related work conducted by Iran that was halted in 2003 must be thoroughly investigated and laid to rest before a deal is made.
Iran’s alleged past nuclear work remains an important issue for U.S.-based experts.
“The former parliamentarians formula…should acknowledge not just the NPT members right to pursue peaceful nuclear energy programmes, but also their responsibility to comply with safeguards and cooperate with the IAEA’s efforts to verify that there is no diversion for military purposes,” Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association, told IPS.
“It is in Iran’s interest to immediately address questions about its past activities in order to bolster its claim that its programme is only for peaceful purposes,” he said.
For Reza Marashi, the research director of the National Iranian American Council, the letter is a solid example of “the mainstream view of Iran’s opposition” which “calls for the regime to be more transparent and flexible with regard to its nuclear program, but also calls for the U.S. and E.U. to lift sanctions and acknowledge Iran’s right to enrich on Iranian soil.”
“Perhaps most promising, (the letter) shows that Iran’s opposition understands how conflict resolution works: both sides must trade compromises of equal value, rather than letting the “perfect” deal be the enemy of a good one,” Marashi told IPS.
“This type of sound thinking and leadership bodes well for Iran’s future,” he said.
While the U.S.-led “crippling” sanctions regime on Iran continues to take a toll on Iran’s economy and average Iranians, it has yet to produce tangible results for the U.S. at the negotiating table and U.S. experts are increasingly acknowledging this.
In a Jan. 17 “memorandum to President Obama”, Suzanne Maloney, an Iran expert at the Brookings Institution, urges Obama to “intensify the diplomatic dialogue” and offer sanctions relief “in order to obtain any meaningful concessions on the part of Tehran, despite the strategic and moral disinclination for rewarding Iran’s nuclear transgressions.”
“Working with our partners in Europe, Russia and China, an interagency effort should develop a persuasive package of specific sanctions relief that is sequenced to clear actions and credible commitments on the Iranian side,” wrote Maloney.
Obama seemed to be nodding at Iran when he made several war-averse statements during his second inaugural address this week.
“We will show the courage to try and resolve our differences with other nations peacefully – not because we are naïve about the dangers we face, but because engagement can more durably lift suspicion and fear,” he said.
But with Iran being accused of stalling on a date for more talks and members of Congress having pushed for yet more punitive measures against Iran and those who aid its circumvention of sanctions just this December, prospects for a nuclear deal are currently dismal.
“I worry that this is déjà vu all over again,” said MIT international security expert Jim Walsh, at the Wilson Center.
“You can’t do the same thing you’ve always done before and expect a different result,” he said.

And with the focus now on Mali , have you notices Syria is fading from view ever so slightly......

The 22-month-long conflict in Syria has led to entire towns being empty.
Harasta, in the suburbs of Damascus, is one such town.
Al Jazeera's Sophie Nicholson reports on the town once home to 500,000 people where now nearly everything has been destroyed.



A senior aide to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran, has said an attack on Syria would be seen as an attack on Iran itself.
The Mehr news agency quoted Ali Akbar Velayati on Saturday as saying:
Syria has a very basic and key role in the region for promoting firm policies of resistance ... For this reason an attack on Syria would be considered an attack on Iran and Iran's allies.


Regime troops shelled Homs on Friday as soldiers battled rebels around the central province with the same name, which was a major frontline during the first year of the revolt.

An amateur video posted online by activists showed rockets slamming into buildings in the rebel-held town of Rastan, just north of the provincial capital, Homs.

Other videos showed thick black and grey smoke rising from buildings in the besieged city.



United States pledged an extra $10 million on Friday to help supply flour to bakeries in northern Syria, but said there was not enough humanitarian aid reaching those affected by the war and it would urge other nations to contribute more.

The United Nations will convene a pledging conference in Kuwait on Wednesday to try to secure more than $1.5 billion for millions of people inside Syria who are facing what it has called a "rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation".


A record number of Syrian refugees have flooded neighbouring Jordan over the past 24 hours, the UN said on Friday as violence raged unabated in several flashpoints across the strife-torn country.

More than 6,400 refugees have arrived in Jordan since Thursday, the UN refugee agency said, bringing to over 30,000 the number of arrivals since the start of the month.


The government of Syria has called on citizens who have fled the nearly two-year-long fighting to return to the country.
State-run SANA news agency said on Thursday that Damascus will help those who return, including opponents of Bashar al-Assad, Syrian president.
The aid has been promised regardless of whether the hundreds of thousands who have fled so far left "legally" or "illegally".
The announcement, made late on Thursday, also invites opposition figures who want to take part in reconciliation talks back.
The talks are part of Assad's initiative to end the conflict, which has claimed more than 60,000 lives. The opposition has rejected the initiative, insisting Assad must step down.

US Debating Deeper Involvement in France’s Mali Invasion

Transport Planes Are Just the First Step

by Jason Ditz, January 25, 2013
US transport planes are already ferrying French troops back and forth into Mali, but the real depth of US involvement in their invasion has yet to be decided, with US officials in discussion with the French on what they need and debating among one another just how much they can escalate their involvement in the near-term.
The latest proposal is for US refueling planesto get involved in the war, keeping the French warplanes pounding various towns in central Mali up in the air longer. Much of the debate centers on if President Obama would be able to approve the escalation without Congressional authorization.
Pentagon officials were also reportedly concerned about the open-ended nature of the war, saying that as the war drags on the US could be directly facilitating air strikes for a long, long time.
US refueling was a large portion of its involvement in the NATO war in Libya, providing the bulk of such support while other nation’s planes pounded western Libyan cities.

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