Friday, January 4, 2013

Ben Swann discusses Mass shootings NOT Lone Wolf Attacks.....And just look at the number of shooting since Aurora - most of which involved multiple deaths of innocent civilian type victims ......

Full Disclosure: Evidence Shows Mass Shootings Were Not ‘Lone Wolf’ Attacks

January 4, 2013

Ben Swann’s Full Disclosure looks at eyewitness accounts from the scenes of the Colorado theater shooting, the Wisconsin Sikh Temple shooting, and the Connecticut elementary school shooting.
These accounts indicate that more than one shooter may have been involved in all three shootings.

Sandy Hook: Analogies with the London 7/7 Bombings

By Nick Kollerstrom (with Jim Fetzer)

“No-one has been able to get into the Sandy Hook elementary school to verify if there are any bullet-marks, bloodstains etc, then on January 2nd, the children were transferred to another school some miles away: we assume the old Sandy Hook Elementary School will remain sealed off, and will be demolished. Perhaps a shootout DID NOT ACTUALLY HAPPEN THERE, it was just an illusion.”–Nicholas Kollerstrom
Nicholas Kollerstrom is an historian of science who has taken great risks and suffered real harms by his willingness to conduct scientific research on the Holocaust. He has also done brilliant work on 9/11. The points that he makes here are rather chilling, including that the Batman film ‘Dark Knight Rises’ alluded to Sandy Hook region of Gotham City, as a portion of the city of Gotham during a setup of one of the bad guy’s dirty deeds in that movie.  Earlier promotions of the film the year before did not (Alex Jones discovered) have that Sandy Hook reference.  The 2000 film ‘The Sandy Hook Lingerie Party Massacre’ has the killer strike in the aftermath of a hurricane.’ And the ritual sacrifice of 22 children is portrayed in ‘The Hunger Games’ by Suzanne Collins: she lives in Sandy Hook. As he observes, “Perhaps a shootout DID NOT ACTUALLY HAPPEN THERE, it was just an illusion.”

Sandy Hook: Analogies with the London 7/7 Bombings

by Nicholas Kollerstrom

The Predator has struck, one more time. We seek for its identity, what is it? I here compare two different events, perpetrated by the Enemies of Mankind, seven years apart.  Maybe first read my earlier post. 
1.   Scene of crime remains concealed: no media access
No-one has been able to get into the Sandy Hook elementary school to verify if there are any bullet-marks, bloodstains etc, then on January 2nd  the children were transferred to another school some miles away: we assume the old Sandy Hook Elementary School will remain sealed off, and will be demolished. Perhaps a shootout DID NOT ACTUALLY HAPPEN THERE, it was just an illusion. Kids heard bangs, that’s all we can say.  The new school will be patrolled by security guards permanently: presumably to maintain the kids in a state of sufficient trauma to prevent them talking, or remembering the wrong sort of thing.

No bodies, only some duffle bags (Daily Mail)

The Mail Online 6 January shows this image, subtitled: ‘Chaotic scenes at the school as police work to secure the area and bodies are carried out of the school.’ But look carefully, no bodies are here, only some duffle bags – and some are doubting whether this is the school car-park.
In the London Bombings, the three train carriages were kept absolutely out or bounds then destroyed one year later: the blown-up bus was taken up to Sevenoaks Military establishment, i.e only the military can see it.
2.   CCTV switched off
The Sandy Hook Elementary School was in an up-market area of Connecticut, shown by the large majority of its children being from Jewish families. It would have had high-security equipment including CCTV cameras. We have as yet not been shown images from the time of the crime (curiously vague, but said to have been three minutes around 9.45 on 14th December). There are no images of a ‘crime scene’ eg bullet-marks in walls or through windows. No wounded persons being interviewed.
During the London Bombings, as also for 9/11, the CCTV was switched off: no pictures, from the most heavily CCTV’d city in the world (until 3 years later when some rather dodgy ones were released).
3.    The patsy perpetrator(s), clueless and unmotivated, are themselves killed so they cannot defend themselves. Dead, then can be given all the blame.
There is no reason to suppose that the 20-year old autistic Adam Lanza had any expertise or practice in using guns, still less that his Mother went herself to a firing range or belonged to a rifle club and brought her son along. The car allegedly driven by him to the school turned out to belong to a shady felon, with FBI ties. Would or could any young man shoot his mother, take her car, drive it to a school to which he does not belong, be dressed in black, shoot his way into the school with several guns and kill virtually every target he aims at? How could anyone believe such a story? Then he kills himself – and then, goes over to his car and puts the rifle he has used back in the book. There is no conceivable motive for this physically quite impossible sequence of events.
The four alleged London bombers knew nothing about chemistry, never had any interest in it, and had no bomb-making skills that anyone ever heard about. Once dead they had no-one to defend their name against the official fictions. Not one of them had an animus against British society, to motivate any antisocial act.
4.   An ever-changing story
If a story is being made up, then different agencies will be spinning it, so it will never be very coherent. The Sandy Hook story became incoherent at the moment when CNN News announced that four pistols had been found in the school: presumably because the official coroner had averred that each of the 28 bodies had an average of seven bullet-holes in them, so they needed four pistols to credibly sound as if two hundred bullets had been fired. One young lad is not going tobreak into the school with four guns – after shooting his own Mother. .
The story of the rifle used – the Coroner averred that all injuries had been made with the rifle, then it was found to have been placed in the back of a car outside the school – can never make any sense.
First we were told she was a teacher at the school, and Adam went to that school, then later it emerged: A former school board official in Newtown called into question earlier reports that Nancy Lanza had been connected to Sandy Hook Elementary School, possibly as part of the teaching staff. “No one has heard of her,” said Lillian Bittman, who served on the local school board until 2011. “Teachers don’t know her.”
The 7/7 London bombings was truly an ever-changing story, with a narrative that relied heavily upon journalistic amnesia and credulity over the latest bit of unattributed gossip. Notably over what explosive had been used, which kept changing. The State lies to its own people. The State participates in killing its own people.
5. Terror-Drills being run
On 17th September 2010, HSEEP Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program had a drill with FEMA at the Sandy Hook Fire Department, which is near to the Elementary School. On the day of the event, starting at 9.00 am, a FEMA exercise ‘Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters’ took place in Connecticut not far from Sandy Hook. Some conjecture that this got moved and happened at the school, which would account for the presence of Federal troops there seemingly much too early. There is probably a lot more of this to come out. There is a picture on the Web of children of Sandy Hook forming a chain and being told to close their eyes – that is what a kiddie terror-drill looks like – from a couple of months earlier.

“Sandy Hook has a recent history of federally staged Terror Drills. A mock school shooting drill was being conducted in Putman County only miles away on the very same day as the Sandy Hook events on December 14.”
The London Bombings had four main terror-drills leading up to it, the last of these by Peter Power on the very morning at the same three tube stations.
6. Guilty culprits announced too soon.
At 9:53AM, no more than ten minutes after the reported shooting ceased, the Associated Press published a story, “Official with Knowledge of Connecticut School Shooting Says 27 Dead, Including 18 Children.” Neighbours of Nancy Lanza said that around 9:15am they saw police surrounding the house, taping off the neighborhood and telling everyone to evacuate.  Yet, they supposedly did not learn the identity of the shooter until c. 11:30am.  They identified the bodies of the “shooter” and his mother before the body identifying process even started, with names, occupations, “health issues”, marital status and residency.
On 9/11, news items started alluding to Osama Bin Laden about an hour after the event. On 7/7 Tony Blair announced that it was an Islamic crime at 5 pm on that day. The total of 52 dead was announced much too early, in fact while two of them ‘not yet dead’ were still in hospital.
7. Film pre-announcement of the event.
The Batman film ‘Dark Knight rises’ alluded to Sandy Hook region of Gotham City, as a portion of the city of Gotham during a setup of one of the bad guy’s dirty deeds in that movie.  Earlier promotions of the film the year before did not (Alex Jones discovered) have that Sandy Hook reference.  The 2000 film ‘The Sandy Hook Lingerie Party Massacre’ has the killer strike in the aftermath of a hurricane.’
Or, the ritual sacrifice of 22 children is portrayed in ‘The Hunger Games’ by  Suzanne Collins: she lives in Sandy Hook.
The London bombings were prefigured in the film ‘V for Vendetta’ about an Underground train primed to blow up. It was filmed in the months leading up to 7/7, so Warner Brothers had free run of the London Undergound tunnels. Its launch had to be postponed because it was too similar to what had just happened. Likewise ‘the Descent’ a horror movie scheduled to open the day after on 8th July, about people trapped underground and dying: its launch had to be postponed. Compare the classic film ‘The Matrix,’ where after 17 mins one sees 11 Sept 2001 on Anderson’s passport ID. 
8. Families not allowed to see bodies of loved ones.
At least one family had the experience of not even being allowed to see the body of their loved one. “They told me, ‘You can’t see (the body),’” Gilles Rousseau told Radio-Canada, the French-language CBC. “  They would just be shown photographs. ‘Where are the Sandy Hook Bodies? Many are wondering, are there any bodies?
There was a bizarre aspect to the 7/7 tragedy, in the way families had to wait often over a week just to be told whether their loved one was dead, and then would be not allowed to see the body – with phoney tales that it might upset them too much – or else shown them embalmed with a policeman standing by.
9. Families not allowed to speak
On December 19 the Connecticut State Police assigned individual personnel to each of the 26 families who lost a loved one at Sandy Hook Elementary. “The families have requested no press interviews,” State Police assert on their behalf, “and we are asking that this request be honoured – a de facto gag order. What is it so terrible they might say?
In the 7/7 London bombings, ‘grieving parents’ would always be wheeled out to support the government narrative, but one could never get to speak to any of them.
10. Identity Theft
Adam Lanza was a vegan because he ‘didn’t want to hurt animals’. Nancy Lanza ‘was a wonderful, beautiful, elegant woman who loved life, and most importantly she loved her son, Adam’ a friend has testified. They lived on a street named after the great Indian Yogi ParamanshaYoganada: what did this mean to them?
The Mother has been hyped as an Apocalypse-expecting gun-toting food-storing freak (as a prelude to demonising gun-owners in America, the whole point of this exercise)
Sid Khan especially of the 7/7 Four was a rising star of Beeston, and after his death he became the most thoroughly demonised of the Four. Seemingly endless terror-tales were woven around him. SidKhab was especially proud of his reputation for non-violent conflict-resolution (see my online talk, about MSK as a ‘local action hero’) Wherever false-flag terror is perpetrated, it is important to try and rescue the identity of the person who gets blamed and demonised (eg for the Bali Bomb of 2002, someone called Amrotzi, who was a quite sensitive and intelligent young man).
11. Actors used
At least one ‘grieving parent’ at Sandy Hook looks as if he was acting a part. People are suspecting work by ‘Crisis’: ”Trained players and actors making it real,’ available for ‘active shooter drills.’ They bring ‘intense realism to simulated mass casualty incidents.’
The London bombings had some actors spotted on the street that morning, presumably part of the ‘terror drill’ scheduled for that morning ‘Wounded’ actors were especially noticed around Tavistock Square.
12. Deaths not real
‘Even more unusual are the observations of Facebook pages of the deceased being created days or even months prior to the shooting, further suggesting the synthetic and premeditated nature of the event. For example, on March 23, 2011 a Facebook site was established, titled “RIP Emilie Parker,” for the daughter of Robbie Parker, now well-known after the soliloquy delivered on CNN and preceded by a gleeful chuckle and query as to whether he should read the lines provided him.’ One may doubt whether any of the 28 ‘deaths’ at Sandy Hook Elementary School were real.
The London bombings had one definite not-real-death,viz Myriam Hyman (but there may have been others). She’s on the plaque at Tavistock Square but no way did she die there.
Normally when fabricated terror happens, the story is fake but the deaths are real. It is the dead bodies which give the air of gravity and solemnity, so that Those Who Create Delusion will be believed. The London bombings had dreadful scenes of carnage, seen by real witnesses.
Sandy Hook has only two dead bodies known: Adam and Nancy Lanza. On that morning, the local hospital went into lockdown and cleared four trauma rooms, but received only three patients, two of them dead children(according to the official story) and one mildly wounded adult.We saw locked-down kiddie-coffins in funeral services, but is that enough? The situation may remind us of 9/11, when airports that morning were waiting for the grieving relatives – but none came. The security forces averred that they had removed the bodies from the school in the middle of the night: had they?
Have children been stolen? Child slaves sell, we are told, for well over $200,000.

Why Was Chris Manfredonia Arrested At Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting?

 | January 5, 2013 2 Comments
 108 93 2Reddit0

(Thomas Dishaw)  As days pass the Sandy Hook conspiracy continues to gain momentum.  Unanswered questions continue to pile up. Was Sandy Hook staged?  Was this a False Flag to destroy the Second Amendment? Have we seen one shred of evidence PROVING this event  happened?  I know crime scene photos are gruesome, but they do come out. Remember Kadafi?
There were many eye witness  reports of multiple arrests that day,multiple gunmen and who is Chris Manfredonia? Was he arrested? Did he ever release a statement? Does he even exist? Hmmmmm. Don’t we all love a good conspiracy? What are your thoughts?

Sandy Hook Shooting: Hearst Owned Paper Clears Rodia – See? Case Closed

Wednesday, January 2, 2013 20:40

by Scott Creighton
There are a lot of people out there actively doing their best to disassociate Chris Rodia from any speculation connecting him to the shooting at the Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown.
Today the CT Post took the time to put out an article addressing this rather secondary issue; Police: No Newtown conspiracy.
They don’t wonder about the fact that Lanza had no motive for this attack or the fact that several attempts to fabricate a motive have been debunked as of late (1. connection to LIBOR  2. mother was a teacher at Sandy Hook  3. he had a fear of being committed  4. a “confrontation between Lanza and 4 teachers” the day before the attack.) They also don’t mention the missing video tape footage of the new security system the school had installed this past summer or the identity of the guy in camo pants they found in the woods behind the school “cutting wood” of how it was that the initial reports from police stated clearly that the shooting had been conducted using handguns only and then suddenly after the coroner’s report, they changed that story and the location of yet another “long gun” found at the scene.  They don’t take the time to address any of that, they just want to make sure that people don’t connect Rodia to the Sandy Hook shooting.
The CT Post story revolves largely around asking someone if they did it: Chris Rodia.
They interviewed Chris and he said he was getting death threats over the phone because a recording of Newtown emergency radio traffic had his name associated with the license plate of the black Hondathat had been reported as being the vehicle the suspect used to get to the scene of the crime. Rodia’s name comes back on the recording and is heard being clearly identified on the recording.
Seems like a logical conclusion to come to especially when you recall that his name was read back on the recording by a cop only just after someone called in a request for information on the “suspect vehicle” and gave the license plate that we clearly see in the photos attached to that car.
At the 30:11 mark of the video in question, you can hear someone reading the license plate of the suspect’s vehicle: “872 YEO possible suspect vehicle“. 20 seconds later the answer comes back “operator Rodia, R..O..D..I..A , Christopher A. (scrambled) 26th, 69Scott Creighton
Notice, there is no other license plate request at that time asking about a different plate that could have been Rodia being pulled over. There is also no other response at that time to the inquiry listing “Nancy Lanza” as the person that license plate and car were registered to. All we had at the time this story first broke was that official recording apparently linking Rodia’s name to that plate and the photos of the car being towed with that plate attached to the front of it.

Are we supposed to believe that this recording, which is 2 hours of the emergency frequency of the Newtown responders, somehow picked up only part of the transmission from another town located 50 miles away? Are we supposed to believe that all of the townships in that 100 mile diameter around Newtown are on that tape and nothing else happened during that two hour time period?
That’s the story:
On that tape, Rodia’s name can be heard shortly after a police officer calls in the license plate — 872 YEO — as the “possible suspect vehicle.”
.. “I was with my niece driving my mother’s sage green Nissan,” the 43-year-old city resident said.
… Greenwich Detective Vincent O’Banner remembers pulling Rodia over in that city around the time of the Newtown shootings. “I do remember that,” he said. “I gave him a verbal warning.” CT Post
Rodia is certainly milking this for all it is worth while it appears certain websites that had been asking questions about all of this have deleted their threads which dealt with the subject.
In the CT Post article, Rodia claims he was in Greenwich with his niece who probably just happens to be the same girl he was arrested with back in January of last year.

The man, Christopher Rodia, 42, was charged with 3rd degree larceny, conspiracy to commit larceny, criminal mischief, possession of narcotics and failure to carry prescription drugs in a prescribed container.
The woman, Cassandre Scire, 19, was charged with 3rd degree larceny, conspiracy to commit larceny and criminal trespass.
Each is being held on a $2,500 bond and their court date is set for August 7th, 2012.” News 8
As I have stated before, this information on Rodia is circumstantial  at best and even if that is his plate, it doesn’t mean he hurt anyone. Clearly whomever did this is a different breed of criminal than Rodia who seems like a petty larceny and fraudster drug addict.

But one can’t help wonder about the 7 felony charges he had pending and how he got to walk away from lock-up without paying a thin dime for bail just a few months before all of this happened.
Lilli Rodia (mother of his step-brother), as I reported before, is also facing drug charges as was his brother Dennis Rodia who recently died. Seems like a family business.
But that doesn’t mean that I or anyone here suggested Rodia killed anyone but he certainly could be considered a person of interest given the information contained on the police recording.
What’s also interesting is the fact that this newspaper takes the time to “clear up” this little confusion for us without asking any of the pertinent questions I just asked.
The Connecticut Post is Bridgeport, Ct. registered multinational corporation owned by the Heart Corporation for those of you who don’t know. The Hearst newspaper empire has a well documented history of “yellow journalism’ over the decades. In fact, they started it.
Yellow Journalism is when a newspaper files fake news reports to support one agenda or another. In the first known case of Hearst yellow journalism, they promoted lies about the Spanish were mistreating people in Cuba in order to promote a regime change agenda back then.
Their stories swayed US public opinion to believe that the Cuban people were being unjustly persecuted by the Spanish, and that the only way for them to gain their independence was through American intervention. Hearst and Pulitzer made their stories credible by self-assertion and providing false names, dates, and locations of skirmishes and atrocities committed by the Spanish. Papers also claimed that their facts could be substantiated by the government.”
Does any of this sound familiar? Sound like Libya or Syria?

Frederic Remington, an artist hired by Hearst to provide illustrations to accompany a series of articles on the Cuban Revolution, soon became bored with seemingly peaceful Cuba and wired Hearst on January 1897:
“Everything is quiet. There is no trouble. There will be no war. I wish to return.” To which Hearst’s reply was: “Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.”
Whatever the paper’s founders did back in the day does not mean they are deliberately covering up something here, but when you consider other current events, like the ongoing rush to war with Iran based on fabricated news stories or the push to force a regime change in Syria,like the build-up to the Spanish American War, based on wholesale lies peddled by the press, you can’t help but wonder if covering up something related to a mass casualty event isn’t within the realm of possibility given the history and ownership of this publication.

Again, that is not to say that Chris Rodia hurt anyone. Personally I don’t think he is capable of something like that.
But is it possible, even likely that the guy was serving in an undercover capacity for an agency in exchange for leniency and brought Adam to the school without knowing what was too unfold? Is it possible that he freaked and fled and is indeed the guy whom witnesses stated they saw being led from the woods in cuffs looking them in the eyes saying “I didn’t do it“?  Is that a possibility?
Is it a possibility that Chris Rodia got caught up in this unofficial investigation by chance? That he just happened to have his name run through the system by Vincent O’Banner 50 miles away from Newtown at the exact same moment someone was running the tags of the “suspect vehicle” and that coincidentally, Rodia just happened to get a judge in a really good mood who let him off on his promise to return a few months before all of this and it’s all just a strange coincidence?
It’s important to remember that what started all of this off was the release of the official recording of the emergency communications during the event. It’s not like somebody went out and actively framed Rodia. His name appears to come back in response to that officer’s inquiry into the “suspect vehicle”. And of course we all know someone who remains unnamed was led out of the woods in handcuffs claiming “he didn’t do it”
This isn’t about “conspiracy theory’ as the CT Post implies, it’s about basic journalism and people trying to put the pieces of a puzzle together at a time when the Hearst corporation’s yellow journalism isn’t trusted anymore for good reason.
When you look at this event and the subsequent way in which it is being used, there is no motive and not for lack of trying by media outlets to fabricate one, the suspect is autistic and in the opinion of many, incapable of even the physical aspects of this horrific murder, much less the emotional ones, the suspect is dead and gone and incapable of explaining if or why he did it. There are so many problems with this story and so much at stake, it is only natural that people with critical thinking skills still intact are going to ask questions. Important questions.
Sandy Hook Shooting – Look At the Numbers Folks: Something Isn’t Right
Operation Gladio: to force the Italian public to turn to the state, turn to the regime for greater security… the state created what they called “the strategy of tension

July 20th 2012 – Aurora Massacre - young people – theater
Aug 5th 2012 – Sikh Temple Massacre – religious community – church
Sept 27th 2012 – Accent Signage Systems – workers – work place
Dec 11th 2012 – Clackamas Town Center – shoppers – mall
Dec 14th 2012 - Sandy Hook Massacre – children – school
Dec. 24th 2012 – Webster New York shooting – firefighters – home

Connecticut Cop Goes Public: Exposes Sandy Hook’s Contradictions, Inconsistencies & Gun Grab Agenda

 | January 1, 2013 106 Comments
 71.6K 67.9K 384Reddit1811

(Thomas Dishaw)  As the Sandy Hook conspiracy spirals out of control. Many questions have yet to be answered or even brought up by the main stream media.
Alternative news outlets are leading the charge with great investigative journalism, bringing no one to believe the official story.
Connecticut cop Mark S. Mann breaks down all the evidence and facts surrounding Adam Lanza’s killing spree. Don’t we all love a good conspiracy?

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