Thursday, December 20, 2012

Fukushima and Japan nuclear debacle updates for December 20 , 2012........

7.1 thousand trillion Bq of Cs-134/137 and 1.1 ten quadrillion Bq of Iodine-131 released to the sea from 3/26 to 9/30

According to JNES’s report “Severe Accident Analyses of Fukushima-Daiich Units 1 to 3″ published on IAEA general conference of 9/17/2012, Central research institute of electric power industry evaluated the amount of releases of radioactive material (I-131, Cs-134/137) to Pacific ocean.
Their analysis shows 1.1 ten quadrillion Bq of Iodine-131 and 7.1 thousand trillion Bq of Cs-134/137 were released to Pacific ocean from March.26 to September.30 of 2011.
Additionally, Tepco evaluated 50 ten quadrillion Bq of Iodine-131 and 2 ten quadrillion Bq of Cs-134/137 were released to the land from March.11 to March.17 of 2011.

7.1 thousand trillion Bq of Cs-134/137 and 1.1 ten quadrillion Bq of Iodine-131 released to the sea from 3/26 to 9/30


Pu-239, 240 and Strontium measured from soil and wooden chips of Ohtsuchi cho Iwate

Plutonium-239, 240 and Strontium were measured from soil and wooden chips of Ohtsuchi cho Iwate.
Kashiwazaki city and Sanjo city in Niigata prefecture accepted the debris from Ohtsuchi cho Iwate, started test incineration on 10/11/2012.
Pu-239, 240 and Strontium measured from soil and wooden chips of Ohtsuchi cho Iwate

[Column] 3 facts to support the hypothesis that fractured nuclear fuel is in individual stages of nuclear reaction

This is not a widely known fact but 12/17/2012 was a historical day of Fukushima plant.
In the evening of that day, the RPV temperature want higher than the temperature of PCV in reactor2. [Link] Probably this had never happened since 311.
In reactor1~3, the PCV temperature is always higher than or almost the same as the temperature of RPV. It suggests one obvious fact that the fuel is already at least out of RPV from reactor1 to 3.
On 12/6/2012, Fukushima Diary reported JAEC, Tokyo university and Tepco are aware that nuclear fuel is already fractured, scattered to suppression chamber and reactor buildings. [Link] If this is true, now we must consider numerous pieces of fractured fuel are having different nuclear reactions individually.
Even if the plant parameter doesn’t indicate a rapid increase of temperature, small size of recriticality might be on-going.
Here I’m going to show three facts to suggest fractured fuel are in small fissioning state in scattered areas.
1. Frequent detection of Iodine-131 from various locations.
Fukushima Diary reports the measurement of Iodine-131 from sewage sludge in various locations almost every month. There’s a possibility that it came from medical treatment, but when Iodine-131 was detected in Iwate prefecture in August of 2011, the hospitals clearly denied the possibility that it was from medical treatment.“Dr. “Sugawara”, the radiation tech who answered the phone commented it would be extremely unlikely that the detection of Iodine 131 [at the Treatment Center] was caused by the Hospital’s discharge due to its adherence to the protocol.” [Link]
2. Frequent detection of fission products and Tepco’s secret struggle
On 9/4/2012, Tepco announced they measured intermittent increase of Krypton-85 in reactor1, which suggested the on-going recriticality. [Link] That time, Krypton-85 was measured 9 times much as usual, however, Tepco did not update this event and we can no longer know what actually happened. [Link]
In this Autumn, Tepco announced they were going to inject nitrogen gas into PCV of reactor1. It was on 10/23 and 12/7/2012, the purpose is to push out the hydrogen gas to cause hydrogen explosion. [Link 1 2] However again, Tepco’s mid/long term roadmap shows they have been injecting nitrogen gas into the RPV of all of the reactors at least since 10/21/2012. They continuously inject nitrogen gas into all of those reactors from 1 to 3. [Link]
Hydrogen gas is produced from nuclear fissioning. Their having to injecting nitrogen gas shows hydrogen gas is being produced from nuclear fissioning whatever the scale is.
On 11/1/2011, Fukushima Diary made this article.
“Breaking News: fission restarted at reactor 2
Xenon-133 and -135 are measured at reactor 2. Xenon is daughter of Uranium 235, half life time is 5.2 days (Xenon-133), and 9 hours (Xenon-135).
It proves the nuclear fuel is fissioning at reactor 2 still.
Tepco has starting injecting boric-acid solution into the (broken) reactor.
At reactor 2, Tepco finally started analyzing air filter of the container vessel on 10/28/2011. As the result, they detected xenon-133 and -135. It may have been fissioning since months ago.” [Link]
That time Tepco downplayed it by concluding this way.
“It was a temporary spontaneous fission, which can be observed even at a stopped reactor, and it was not from Uranium, but from Curium.” [Link]
This time, 1.2E-5 Bq/cm3 of Xenon-135 was measured.
Let’s look at their daily plant parameter.
It shows they have been measuring Xe-135 in reactor1 more than often at least since June. 2012.
On 6/17/2012, 2.05E-3 Bq/cm3 (System-A) was measured from PCV reactor1, which is 170 times much as when Tepco injected boric acid into reactor2.
They keep detecting Xe-135 in reactor1 for some reason.
7/17/2012. : 2.69 E-3 Bq/cm³
8/15/2012.. : 1.98 E-3 Bq/cm³
9/15/2012.. : 1.42 E-3 Bq/cm³
10/15/2012 : 1.74 E-3 Bq/cm³
11/7/2012 . : 7.24 E-3 Bq/cm³
12/17/2012 : 2.35 E-3 Bq/cm³
About reactor2 and 3, because they raised the lowest detectable amount of Xe-135 incredibly high, we can not know how much Xe-135 is measured. (Lowest detectable level, reactor2 > 2.3E-1 Bq/cm³, reactor3>3.4E-1 Bq/cm³)
3. High radiation level outside of PCV in reactor1
In this reactor1, Tepco investigated the inside of PCV on 10/10/2012, and they measured higher radiation level near the upper part of PCV than the lower part of PCV. [Link 1 2]
“The strange point is they detected this highest reading in the penetration tip, which is 5.8m above from the water level.
Inside of PCV, the higher above from the bottom of PCV, the higher the radiation level goes.
At 50cm above from the water level, it was 4.7 Sv/h.
At 5.8m above from the water level, it was 9.8 Sv/h.”
It is natural to set up a hypothesis that the scattered and fractured nuclear fuel is now every part of PCV, RPV, and even to reactor buildings, and they are in the individual stages of nuclear reaction.


[Reader's post] “Common spent fuel pool is more heated than SFP of reactor1, 2, 3″

On 12/19/2012, Fukushima Diary reported “Common usage pool may be more heated than SFP of reactor3″.  [Link]
The source added the temperature increasing rate in SFP of reactor 1 and 2 as well. The result shows the temperature increasing rate of common spent fuel is the higher than reactor 1, 2 and 3. The one in reactor4 shows the highest increasing rate, but it was in October, where all the other data were taken in November and December.

[Reader's post] "Common spent fuel pool is more heated than SFP of reactor1, 2, 3"

Tepco admits link between death and Fukushima disaster for 1st time

Nuclear fuel rods in Common Pool to be inspected for ‘soundness’ at Fukushima plant (PHOTO)

Kyodo: Steel beam removed from Fukushima plant’s No. 3 pool after falling on fuel racks — Another steel beam found soon after (PHOTOS)

Tepco concerned about liner of No. 3 Spent Fuel Pool at Fukushima plant? (PHOTOS)

Japan Experts: Active fault runs underneath MOX fuel plant — Warnings of massive quake

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