Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Coolant system at the Spent Fuel Pool for the bombed out looking Unit 4 at Fukushima Daiichi actually stopped from 12/8 - 12/11 ( anyone recall the media discussing this ? ) ..... Apart from a questionable coolant system , note the concrete base at SFP 4 is deteriorating and the ground has weakened ( a collapse could occur whenever the next big quake hits )..... tsunami risk presently at Fukushima even worse than before the big 3-11 quake....... Apart from Unit 4 , note leakage at the Reactor of unit 3 - continuous leakage for 2 days ( again where was this reported ? )..... In fact - note that emails sent by Murata to ALL the chief editors of the national newspapers in Japan completely ignored the concerns raised and didn't inform the Local Government in Fukushima of the very serious deteriorating conditions at Fukushima Daaichi !


Fukushima worker “Contaminated water might overflow due to the lack of tanks”

On 11/27/2012, Fukushima diary warned about the serious shortage of contaminated water storage on the column.
(cf. [Column] X-day – when Fukushima plant discharges millions of tones of the contaminated water to Pacific ocean [Link])
According to the tweets of actual Fukushima worker Happy11311, the contaminated water storage is being the urgent problem in Fukushima plant.
Contaminated water might overflow due to the lack of the tanks.
Tepco built a new water purifying facility of Toshiba called Alps, which is supposed to filter 62 sorts of nuclides including strontium.
They expected to start the facility by this September, but because of the orders and reorganization of NISA and NRA, they can not start Alps yet. It’s not even known when they can start it.
They also expected to reduce the storage capacity because of the new water purifying facility, so they did not prepared new tanks in case they can’t start Alps.
Now a few hundreds of o tones of groundwater flows into the building on the daily basis but they still can’t even finish the bypass construction nor impervious wall.



TEPCO unable to locate source of leak in Fukushima reactor

December 12, 2012
The operator of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant is grappling to locate the source of a leak of highly radioactive water in the crippled No. 2 reactor, and will continue trying to pinpoint the cause next week.
A remote-controlled robot is now scouring the basement of the reactor building that houses the pressure suppression chamber to pinpoint the cause of the leak.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. said it was unable to identify the source of the leak when the robot inspected one of the eight vent pipes that connect the chamber with the containment vessel on Dec. 11.
TEPCO suspects the radioactive water is leaking from fractures near the pressure suppression chamber.
It was the first detailed inspection near the chamber.
Nuclear fuel in the No. 2 reactor melted following the earthquake and tsunami disaster last year.
A huge volume of highly radioactive water, used to cool down the fuel, has since been leaking from the reactor, TEPCO said.


[Column] 4 reasons why we must be worried about reactor4 “other than earthquake”

Now the biggest risk of Japan is reactor4.
However, we are only supposed to be worried about an “earthquake” to seriously damage the SFP of reactor4. Is this true ? No, it is not enough. We are missing 4 important facts.
1. It’s already deteriorating.
About one hour ago, Fukushima Diary reported the coolant system of SFP4 was stopped from 12/8 to 12/11. [Link] It is not known if the M7.4 of 12/7 affected.
Because of the warning, Tepco reinforced SFP4 by building a concrete base to support from the bottom of the pool.
However, if Mr. Murata is all correct, the concrete base is deteriorating, and the damage is on-going somewhere we can’t see. In that case, that would be really difficult to replace the concrete base anymore and all we could do is just to see it become unable to support the pool horizontally.
2. Ground is weakened.
According to Tepco’s survey map released on 12/11/2012 [Link], Tepco is still constructing on the east side of the reactor4 for ground improvement and land development. I was a civil engineer when I was in Japan. Whether it’s to build some additional facility or not, it means the ground was weakened that they must improve it. Weakened ground can cause further uneven settlement for unexpectedly small earthquake to tilt the reactor4 building.
3. Tepco’s plant parameter is a lie.
I was shocked at the news above because I thought I knew the state of the pool to an extent.
I check the plant parameters twice a day. According to the data, the temperature decreased from 12/1 to 12/11 by 2℃ and there was no significant change in the water level.
The accident proved the plant parameter means nothing. Also, none of the massmedia reported it knowing what was going on.
In case SFP4 falls down, we would know it after everything becomes too late.
4. It’s more vulnerable for Tsunami than before 311.
On 5/29/2012, Fukushima Diary reported reactor4 still remains frail for Tsunami. [Link] The Fukushima worker Happy11311 comments, “Tsunami guard remains the temporary state as well.”
Tepco published the report titled “Lessons learnt from the 311 earthquake and measures” on 10/12/2012.[Link] In this report, they mention the tsunami guard but it’s about Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear plant, not Fukushima plant.
In 311, Tepco lost all the power panels and emergency diesel generators because of Tsunami and coolant system was turned off.
Tepco states now SFP4 can resist an earthquake up to scale 6+, but that size of an earthquake will cause as large tsunami as 311 for 100%. This means they can resist the seismic shock to the pool but they’d have station/plant blackout again due to tsunami to come after the earthquake and tsunami might damage the crippled reactor building. They might say they can recover the power immediately, but tsunami keeps coming several times with continuous aftershocks. Roads will sink under the water.
Now SFP of reactor4 might be secure for earthquake, but it’s even more vulnerable for tsunami than before 311.



Murata ex JP ambassador, “Coolant system of reactor4 was broken 12/8~12/11, concrete base is terribly deteriorating.”

According to Mr. Murata, former Japanese ambassador in Switzerland, the coolant system of SFP of reactor4 was stopped from 12/8 to 12/11, and the concrete base is terribly damaged already.
Knowing this trouble, mass media did not report it at all.
On 12/11/2012, Mr. Iwakami Yasumi, Japanese journalist received this email from Mr. Murata.
Dear Mr. Iwakami
I received this message on 12/9/2012..
「The pump of the SFP in reactor4 had been having the spotty trouble, but it went out of order on 12/8/2012 at the end.
Nuclear workers were collected for emergency to replace the pump but it takes more 2~3 days to fix they say. (Extra workers were brought by helicopter even at night.)
According to a nuclear worker collected for emergency, the concrete to reinforce the SFP is terribly deteriorating to be in the “dangerous state”. 」
I called Mr. Naka, the president of Tohoku enterprise co.,LTD to confirm and he admitted it was true, but it would take shorter than 2~3 days. He said, he reported it to Ohshima, a member of NRA. Ohshima told him Tepco went to Fukushima to confirm the situation at 5:00 of 12/9/2012, and the situation is under control.

In the afternoon of 12/11/2012, I called both of them to confirm the coolant system was back on.
It’s questionable why it was not reported by mass media, and if they reported it to near residents.
Also, a former executive manager of a major company commented this, which is very insightful.
“My fear has come into the truth. If it was merely the problem of the pump, it wouldn’t be such an issue but if the base to support SFP4 has some damage where we can’t see, the situation is much more serious.”
They warn the possibility of M8 earthquake, I would love the government and people to take care of Fukushima plant very well. ・・・
Mr. Iwakami called Mr. Murata after receiving this email. Mr. Murata said, “I sent this email to all the chief editors of national newspaper companies, NHK and influential people of major mass media but they all ignored it. I was shocked. I called the manager of disaster headquarter of Fukushima prefectural government but he didn’t know that. It seems like they didn’t report it to Fukushima local government. ”



[Leakage for 2 continuous days] 15m3 of contaminated water leaked in reactor3 turbine building

On 12/11/2012, 15m3 of contaminated water leaked again in reactor3 turbine building.
The radioactive density in the leaked water was
Cs-134 : 4.2E+7 Bq/m3
Cs-137 : 7.4E+7 Bq/m3
[Leakage for 2 continuous days] 15m3 of contaminated water leaked in reactor3 turbine building
2 [Leakage for 2 continuous days] 15m3 of contaminated water leaked in reactor3 turbine building
Related article..[Column] X-day – when Fukushima plant discharges millions of tones of the contaminated water to Pacific ocean [Link]



The M7.4 of 12/7/2012 was actually 2 continuous different earthquakes

About the M7.4 of 12/7/2012, Earthquake Research Committee of the government announced it was two continuous earthquakes which are separated.
According to the analysis of meteorological agency and Earthquake Research Institute of the University of Tokyo, the first earthquake was reverse fault type from the inside of the pacific plate, and 10~20 seconds later, the second one occurred, which was normal fault type.
Japan meteorological agency comments it was really a complicated mechanism.


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