A Polish parliamentary investigation into President’s Lech Kaczynski plane crash in Smolensk in 2010 is considering witness protection: A flight engineer set to deliver critical testimony was found hanged in his house in Warsaw.
30 Oct 2012

The body of Remigiusz Muś, a 42-year-old aviation engineer, was found by his wife in the cellar of their house in the suburbs of the Polish capital at around 11:30pm local time on Saturday. She called an ambulance and attempted to resuscitate her husband, but medics pronounced him dead as soon as they arrived. An autopsy is set for Monday, October 29.
As news of Muś’ death hit headlines, the head of the Polish parliamentary commission looking into the crash, Antoni Macierewicz, said that Muś was one of two key witnesses in the case. With Muś dead, key witness Artur Wosztyl should be put in protective custody, Macierewicz said.
Dariusz Slepokura, a spokesperson for the Warsaw district prosecutor’s office, said on Monday that Muś likely committed suicide.
Muś’ suicide has become the second incident of its kind connected to the investigation of the April 10, 2010, plane crash in Smolensk that killed the Polish president and 95 other people aboard. In January 2012, a Polish prosecutor involved in the investigation shot himself for no apparent reason during a media briefing. Prosecutor Mikolaj Przybyl told reporters he needed a break, and ordered them to leave the briefing room. Immediately after they left, Przybyl shot himself. Doctors managed to save his life, as his brain was not damaged by the self-inflicted wound.
Muś arrived to Smolensk on a Polish Yak-40 airliner carrying the Polish press pool one hour before the President’s plane crashed. Shortly after the incident, Muś retired from aviation.
The catastrophe devastated Polish leadership, as most of the country’s top political, military, financial and religious leaders were on the same flight to Smolensk to commemorate Polish officers imprisoned and brought to the USSR in 1939. The prisoners were later executed in the forests of Katyn, around 14 kilometers west of the city of Smolensk.
During the investigation, Muś testified that he witnessed the ground control in Smolensk communicating with the pilots of the president’s airplane.
Muś claimed that while he rested in the cabin of the plane, he overheard a Russian air traffic control officer giving the president’s plane permission to descend to a ‘landing decision’ height of 50 meters. Muś said that earlier, the aircraft in which he was flying was given the same permission to descend to 50 meters, despite the dense fog covering the Smolensk region that day.
Muś’ testimony contradicted the official version, which said that the traffic controller only allowed the airplane to descend to 100 meters.
The official statement prompted a wide-ranging international investigation by the Interstate Aviation Committee, which included experts from Russia, Poland and the US According to the official narrative delivered by the Committee, the crash of Poland’s presidential plane was largely caused by human error and bad weather. The pilots were warned of heavy fog and low visibility at Smolensk military airfield, and were asked to reroute to a different airport.
The pilot nevertheless made the decision to land. The investigation by the Interstate Aviation Committee revealed that in addition to the severe weather conditions, the pilots had been subjected to pressure by some of the high-ranking passengers onboard. Transcripts from the plane’s black box revealed the pilots were forced to land as soon as possible. The recording also showed that one oficial entered the cockpit many times throughout the flight, and that the Chief of the Air Force of Poland was present in the cockpit at the time of the crash.
Explosive traces ‘found on crashed Polish presidential jet’
October 30, 2012
October 30, 2012
Traces of explosives have been discovered on the wreck of the Polish presidential jet which crashed in Russia in 2010, killing then president Lech Kaczynski and 95 other people, a newspaper reported Tuesday.
“Tests have confirmed the presence of TNT and nitroglycerine on 30 seats. The substances were also found on the area linking the fuselage with the wing,” Poland’s leading Rzeczpospolita daily said.
The recent tests were conducted by “Polish prosecutors and experts” it said, but testing by Polish and Russian investigator immediately after the 2010 crash had ruled out explosives.
and recall this from earlier.......
06 Jun 2012
On June 10, Poles planned to mark the April 10, 2010 plane crash that killed then-President Lech Kaczynskiand 95 others in Smolensk, Russia. That event could spark tensions, as many of the marchers blame Russia for orchestrating the crash to get rid of Kaczynski, known as a critic of the Kremlin. –Supersport (6/1/12)
All eyes are on Warsaw for Russia-Poland, 12 June, at the new national stadium. Team Russia has chosen to stay at the Hotel Bristol on Krakowskie Przedmiescie next to the Presidential Palace. It’s one of the nicest, most historic hotels in Warsaw, but also the site of near constant protests from people who believe the Russian government orchestrated the 2010 Smolensk plane crash … It could get ugly … – (6/1/12)
As reported by an applied scientist, Grzegorz Szuladzinski PhD, an expert of Parliamentary Committee investigating into the Smolensk’s crash, the causes of the crash were explosions at the time of landing approach that started destruction of the aircraft above the ground. – Cleveland Plain Dealer (5/4/12)
“Poland avoided eastern Europe’s worst lending binges. Kaczynski frustrated some of his opponents by being in no rush to head towards the euro party” – Daily Telegraph (12/4/10)
Poland has great ‘fracking’ potential with shale gas reserves … Poland may be sitting on a vast natural resource that could make it energy independent …”Poland is arguably the biggest focus for shale gas in all of Europe,” says Beata Stelmach, Poland’s Deputy Foreign Minister. – CNN (5/28/2012)
About two years ago, much of the senior government of Poland was wiped out in a Russian plane crash. The consequences linger today, and may prove to be a defining moment in Poland’s modern history.
In fact, the continuing backlash may set the Poles on the trail toward becoming once again a truly independent nation at the heart of Europe. This is something Russians and Eurocrats fear mightily.
Polish culture and Polish self-sufficiency have been discouraged by both of these entities. And both therefore had plenty of reasons to want the previous, independent Polish government “disappeared.”
Though they refuse to give back the plane’s black boxes (and moved quickly and suspiciously to sanitize the plane’s crash site), Russians claim vehemently that the crash was an accident. But Poles believe it wasn’t. Even today, remaining YouTube videos seem to show clearly shadowy characters dressed in black roaming the scene of the crash and shooting survivors.
The Russians had plenty of reasons to dislike (now deceased) President Lech Kaczynski. And he was no European favorite either. He had refused to adopt the euro; as a result, the Polish economy stood up rather well in 2008 and beyond when much of the rest of Europe began to suffer from the sovereign debt crisis.
Since then, things have continued to do well. In fact, according to Bloomberg, Poland’s economy grew 3.5 percent year-on-year in the first quarter of 2012. Bloomberg adds, “The Eastern European nation of 38 million has witnessed something close to an economic miracle …”
Most recently, with the advent of new recovery techniques it has been estimated that the Poles have enough natural gas and oil to become self-sufficient and even to be an exporting nation. This is strategically most important as the Poles are currently dependent on Russia for energy, and Poles and Russians have been enemies for centuries.
The Polish-Slovak Empire about 1,000 years ago included today’s Poland plus the Ukraine and much of what once was Czechoslovakia. The Poles have a cohesive culture that competes with both Russia and Germany. This also explains why Poland has been repeatedly invaded.
It certainly explains why many Poles believe that the Russians engineered the crash.
Now those who believe it have additional ammunition. The Polish American Congress Council of National Directors just adopted a resolution requiring Prime Minister Donald Tusk create an international commission to look into the crash.
The resolution was taken after a hearing that included a report by scientist, Grzegorz Szuladzinski PhD, positing that the causes of the crash were explosions at the time of landing.
In other words, someone blew up the plane. And investigations must continue. Poland is co-hosting the prestigious UEFA Euro 2012 soccer tournament – and dueling protests between Poles and Russians are expected. The putative cause may be the games but the underlying issue is the larger one of a cold-blooded killing.
Here’s the video of the shooting after the plane crash:
In the past, such an event – assuming it was assassination – would already be ancient history. But the Internet has made such violence increasingly difficult to obscure. Whether it is 9/11, various US and NATO wars, or this tragic incident, the information not only remains available, it is regularly updated and expanded.
Never have elite manipulations – if that is what they are – been exposed in such a manner. Global elites surely seek world government, but their strategies are subject to constant scrutiny on the ‘Net.
In the Internet era, elite strategies are increasingly difficult to realize. Intimidation and manipulation are increasingly being countered by an informed and resistant populace.
The idea was to keep the Poles divided and helpless. Instead, perhaps on many fronts, the Poles seem to be rising.
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