( A contrarian point of view - something to ponder , fwiw... )
Today, Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette was “fired” from his command of one of the three carrier battle groups back to Bremerton, Washington to face an investigation.
It is impossible to adequately state how unusual this is and how serious.
The Navy was clear that the charges had nothing to do with his personal conduct, no rape or sexual misconduct, no stolen money, no drug use, the things that usually bring down careers in the Navy, that and crashing ships into each other.
Gaouette was sent back because the Secretary of Defense found him unfit for command, sent him across the world in the middle of one of the largest combat exercises in history, one both timed prior to an election and one at a critical location, near the Straits of Hormuz in the Persian
Gaouette commanded nearly one third of the Naval and air combat forces in the region.
The decision was made based on a conversation with the Secretary of Defense who, at the end of the talk, believed Gaouette was part of a group of military officers who have been under suspicion for planning a “Seven Days in May” type overthrow of the US government if President Obama is re-elected.
Similarly, top defense consultant John Wheeler III, who knew of these issues quite well was mysteriously murdered and his body found in a garbage heap in Delaware in late 2010. No suspects have been arrested; no real investigation has ever been made.
That was then.
Today, key members of the military more loyal to Israel and Wall Street than the United States are said to be planning a mutiny to take place after the presidential election.
Their task, upon seizing power, is to facilitate a massive terror attack inside the United States, possibly using a stolen nuclear weapon, declare martial law, move troops into Iraq and to attack Iran with aid from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.
Turkey is to attack Syria with aid from Israel and civil war between the Kurdish regional government and the national government in Baghdad is to begin with the US brokering a peace and re-establishing what “newly appointed President Romney” would describe as the “Status of Forces Agreement” he mentioned during the debates.
His real intent is to occupy Iraq and attack Iran. In the process, America intends on “neutralizing” the nuclear capability of Pakistan.
This is the plan, it is known, not just in the Department of Defense, but by all intelligence agencies, the plotters have all been recognized, are all under surveillance and they have not been very careful. All information here has more than one official source.
Step one, Benghazi
Those involved in the plot, those outside the military, are those who are spreading “conspiracy theory” rumors about US complicity or malfeasance in the handling of the murder of the US ambassador to Libya, Chris Stephens.
Today, CIA Director, General Petraeus clearly stated that the CIA had received no requests for help. A month ago, the State Department also made it clear, the attack was military, well coordinated and that no forces were available capable of making a difference.
In fact, the “conspiracy theorists,” those attempting to use their wild theories in order to implement an “October Surprise” are directly aligned with those who planned and executed the attack.
This is one of the advantages of a “false flag” attack on an American diplomat by America’s own friends and allies, or those mistaken for being such, any attempt to characterize those known to be guilty, prior to an election, would be used to discredit anyone giving out actual accurate information.
This is the role of the controlled press in terror operations, providing “deception and cover.”
Thus, it was necessary to invent a non-existent “Al Qaeda cell” in Libya and to hunt down minor third party assets while the real killers, well trained special operations military from the Gulf States and “other nations” were able to escape and will remain unaccountable.
Security services of both Britain and France had reported the presence of a special operations team well in advance of 9/11 but the target was a mystery.
The Benghazi attack required incredible coordination. What debunks conspiracy theories is that even the most amateur attacks use radio frequency jammers. They are common even to the Taliban much less to groups this sophisticated, a force now said to number at least 120 with 50 or more being trained special operations forces.
This backs up General Petraeus’ statement that no messages were received.
One incredible inconsistency in the “conspiracy media” came from Fox News. They reported that the US compound in Benghazi was relieved by a large force of friendly militia at 3am, a full hour before the lethal mortar attack is said, by Fox News, to have begun. Jennifer Griffin wrote this exclusive account for Fox News:
“They were killed by a mortar shell at 4 a.m. Libyan time, nearly seven hours after the attack on the consulate began - a window that represented more than enough time for the U.S. military to send back-up from nearby bases in Europe, according to sources familiar with Special Operations. Four mortars were fired at the annex. The first one struck outside the annex. Three more hit the annex.
A motorcade of dozens of Libyan vehicles, some mounted with 50 caliber machine guns, belonging to the February 17th Brigades, a Libyan militia which is friendly to the U.S., finally showed up at the CIA annex at approximately 3 a.m.”
Fox was so busy gloating over their misdirection that they totally missed how thoroughly they discredited themselves. Nothing written in any of the recent versions remotely depicts eyewitness reports. They made the whole thing up. All of those who report a “hodge-podge” of conflicting calls for help through jammed communications, reminiscent of the jamming during the attack on the USS Liberty, are now potential suspects in the planning and execution of the attack itself.
Additionally, there is little possibility the attack in Benghazi could have been carried out without the presence of foreign agents within the State Department and the well-timed distraction of the Terry Jones telethon financed and supported by the CATO Institute and Republican National Committee, of which I am, sadly, a longtime member.
Israel rule
Over the past three decades, religious extremists have taken over the Air Force Academy, Annapolis and West Point, teaching mandatory classes in obscure religious beliefs, hatred of Islam and stressing obedience to an “Apocalypse Cult” that stresses pre-emptive nuclear war in order to bring on the “end times” and destroy all life on earth.
Some find these beliefs inconsistent with oaths sworn by all members of the military:
“I, _____, having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)” Oaths, so easy to take, so convenient to break, and so it goes…
To confuse the issue more and divert the truth of the matter which resulted in the death of Stevens and 3 others is a meme recently propagated by suspicious sources that Obama had planned to trade the Blind Sheik for Stevens after a faked kidnapping. The story touts Obama’s desire to recreate former US President Jimmy Carter’s success and ultimate sympathy gained by the American public for the Iranian hostage crisis.
Stevens was concerned about being on a terroristic hit-list and worried that the PoS may be planning his death. He contacted the US State Department and called for more security. Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, and responsible for diplomatic security,denied Stevens’ request. And in response, there was an order from the US government to disarm the US Marine Security by refusing them live ammo while allowing them to keep their guns.
And Facebook censors posts for political reasons ???? What happened to the right of freedom of speech , Facebook ?
( A contrarian point of view - something to ponder , fwiw... )
US military planned mutiny on the Bounty to topple Obama

Cadets listen as US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney (C) delivers a foreign policy speech at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia, on October 8, 2012.
The Obama administration has had American military, both on domestic and foreign bases on high alert since October 1. However, there has been no known terrorist enemy threatening the US. The enemy is called “domestic” but its origins are far from American.
Today, Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette was “fired” from his command of one of the three carrier battle groups back to Bremerton, Washington to face an investigation.
It is impossible to adequately state how unusual this is and how serious.
The Navy was clear that the charges had nothing to do with his personal conduct, no rape or sexual misconduct, no stolen money, no drug use, the things that usually bring down careers in the Navy, that and crashing ships into each other.
Gaouette was sent back because the Secretary of Defense found him unfit for command, sent him across the world in the middle of one of the largest combat exercises in history, one both timed prior to an election and one at a critical location, near the Straits of Hormuz in the Persian
Gaouette commanded nearly one third of the Naval and air combat forces in the region.
The decision was made based on a conversation with the Secretary of Defense who, at the end of the talk, believed Gaouette was part of a group of military officers who have been under suspicion for planning a “Seven Days in May” type overthrow of the US government if President Obama is re-elected.
This is not conjecture, dozens of key officers face firing, hundreds are under investigation, all with direct ties to extremist elements in the Republican Party and the Israeli lobby.
Reports received are sourced at the highest levels of the Pentagon and indicate that the administration has been aware of these plans for months.
It is not just the Obama administration. This happened before.
The Air Force moved against the Bush administration in 2007 when it loaded up to nine nuclear weapons on a B 52 aircraft at Minot Air Force Base. We know now that up to three of those nuclear weapons are listed as “missing,” the military expression for this is “Broken Arrow.”
From Veterans Today:
Minot-Barksdale, The forgotten mutiny
In August 2007, at least six nuclear warheads were stolen from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. The moment they were loaded, they disappeared from America’s nuclear inventory, “location unknown,” something that is not supposed to happen. There is no possible “misinterpretation” of orders, no mistake, no “wrong label” issue. These weapons were stolen, pure and simple. Discussions of individual commanders having authority to deploy weapons, stories of accidents, confusion or political alignments within the Air Force are “red herrings.”
Reports received are sourced at the highest levels of the Pentagon and indicate that the administration has been aware of these plans for months.
It is not just the Obama administration. This happened before.
The Air Force moved against the Bush administration in 2007 when it loaded up to nine nuclear weapons on a B 52 aircraft at Minot Air Force Base. We know now that up to three of those nuclear weapons are listed as “missing,” the military expression for this is “Broken Arrow.”
From Veterans Today:
Minot-Barksdale, The forgotten mutiny
In August 2007, at least six nuclear warheads were stolen from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. The moment they were loaded, they disappeared from America’s nuclear inventory, “location unknown,” something that is not supposed to happen. There is no possible “misinterpretation” of orders, no mistake, no “wrong label” issue. These weapons were stolen, pure and simple. Discussions of individual commanders having authority to deploy weapons, stories of accidents, confusion or political alignments within the Air Force are “red herrings.”
Nothing is more controlled, more secure, more restricted, more classified, more protected than the nuclear arsenal of the United States. However, on that fateful day in 2007, a half dozen or more, hydrogen bombs, were plucked out of a secure bunker with no paperwork, no orders, nothing.
This is the military. People are jailed for losing flashlight batteries.
They were loaded into the weapons bay of a B-52 long-range bomber for transport to places unknown, for purposes unknown. The plane had no orders, was part of no mission, operated under no legal command structure, in fact, the moment the weapons were loaded, was no longer an American plane at all. A mission, even under the most innocent possible circumstances, that would have required the knowledge of the President and his staff, certainly the Joint Chiefs of Staff and likely the National Security Council as well, seem to have authorized itself, out of “thin air.”
Though the plane later landed at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, there is no evidence supporting this as the intended destination, far from it.
The theft, hijacking, you pick the term, these are the best two so far, happened outside the command authority of the United States government, contravening all protocols for the storage, handling and deployment of nuclear weapons. The incident was also a violation of treaties requiring America to safeguard her stockpile of nuclear weapons, not just from environmental disasters but also, as with this incident, from a mutiny by members of the military and civilian branches of our government, acting outside authority, acting as civilians, an act of piracy, mutiny, an act of insurrection.
Today’s “relief of command” is a response to a similar threat.
The “Barksdale Nukes” were believed to be heading to Diego Garcia for use against Iran as part of a false flag war, one started by a naval admiral who was tasked by an extra-governmental agenda to start a war. This was the Air Force part of a joint operation that is said to have involved 5th Fleet commander, Admiral Cosgriff who as reported to the Secretary of State by Gwyneth Todd, then Chief Political Advisor to the fleet. Todd, who has recently retold her story to the Washington Post and other media outlets, received a death threat this morning after a stalking incident against her by an FBI agent stationed at the US embassy in Canberra, Australia.
They were loaded into the weapons bay of a B-52 long-range bomber for transport to places unknown, for purposes unknown. The plane had no orders, was part of no mission, operated under no legal command structure, in fact, the moment the weapons were loaded, was no longer an American plane at all. A mission, even under the most innocent possible circumstances, that would have required the knowledge of the President and his staff, certainly the Joint Chiefs of Staff and likely the National Security Council as well, seem to have authorized itself, out of “thin air.”
Though the plane later landed at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, there is no evidence supporting this as the intended destination, far from it.
The theft, hijacking, you pick the term, these are the best two so far, happened outside the command authority of the United States government, contravening all protocols for the storage, handling and deployment of nuclear weapons. The incident was also a violation of treaties requiring America to safeguard her stockpile of nuclear weapons, not just from environmental disasters but also, as with this incident, from a mutiny by members of the military and civilian branches of our government, acting outside authority, acting as civilians, an act of piracy, mutiny, an act of insurrection.
Today’s “relief of command” is a response to a similar threat.
The “Barksdale Nukes” were believed to be heading to Diego Garcia for use against Iran as part of a false flag war, one started by a naval admiral who was tasked by an extra-governmental agenda to start a war. This was the Air Force part of a joint operation that is said to have involved 5th Fleet commander, Admiral Cosgriff who as reported to the Secretary of State by Gwyneth Todd, then Chief Political Advisor to the fleet. Todd, who has recently retold her story to the Washington Post and other media outlets, received a death threat this morning after a stalking incident against her by an FBI agent stationed at the US embassy in Canberra, Australia.
Similarly, top defense consultant John Wheeler III, who knew of these issues quite well was mysteriously murdered and his body found in a garbage heap in Delaware in late 2010. No suspects have been arrested; no real investigation has ever been made.
That was then.
Today, key members of the military more loyal to Israel and Wall Street than the United States are said to be planning a mutiny to take place after the presidential election.
Their task, upon seizing power, is to facilitate a massive terror attack inside the United States, possibly using a stolen nuclear weapon, declare martial law, move troops into Iraq and to attack Iran with aid from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.
Turkey is to attack Syria with aid from Israel and civil war between the Kurdish regional government and the national government in Baghdad is to begin with the US brokering a peace and re-establishing what “newly appointed President Romney” would describe as the “Status of Forces Agreement” he mentioned during the debates.
His real intent is to occupy Iraq and attack Iran. In the process, America intends on “neutralizing” the nuclear capability of Pakistan.
This is the plan, it is known, not just in the Department of Defense, but by all intelligence agencies, the plotters have all been recognized, are all under surveillance and they have not been very careful. All information here has more than one official source.
Step one, Benghazi
Those involved in the plot, those outside the military, are those who are spreading “conspiracy theory” rumors about US complicity or malfeasance in the handling of the murder of the US ambassador to Libya, Chris Stephens.
Today, CIA Director, General Petraeus clearly stated that the CIA had received no requests for help. A month ago, the State Department also made it clear, the attack was military, well coordinated and that no forces were available capable of making a difference.
In fact, the “conspiracy theorists,” those attempting to use their wild theories in order to implement an “October Surprise” are directly aligned with those who planned and executed the attack.
This is one of the advantages of a “false flag” attack on an American diplomat by America’s own friends and allies, or those mistaken for being such, any attempt to characterize those known to be guilty, prior to an election, would be used to discredit anyone giving out actual accurate information.
This is the role of the controlled press in terror operations, providing “deception and cover.”
Thus, it was necessary to invent a non-existent “Al Qaeda cell” in Libya and to hunt down minor third party assets while the real killers, well trained special operations military from the Gulf States and “other nations” were able to escape and will remain unaccountable.
Security services of both Britain and France had reported the presence of a special operations team well in advance of 9/11 but the target was a mystery.
The Benghazi attack required incredible coordination. What debunks conspiracy theories is that even the most amateur attacks use radio frequency jammers. They are common even to the Taliban much less to groups this sophisticated, a force now said to number at least 120 with 50 or more being trained special operations forces.
This backs up General Petraeus’ statement that no messages were received.
One incredible inconsistency in the “conspiracy media” came from Fox News. They reported that the US compound in Benghazi was relieved by a large force of friendly militia at 3am, a full hour before the lethal mortar attack is said, by Fox News, to have begun. Jennifer Griffin wrote this exclusive account for Fox News:
“They were killed by a mortar shell at 4 a.m. Libyan time, nearly seven hours after the attack on the consulate began - a window that represented more than enough time for the U.S. military to send back-up from nearby bases in Europe, according to sources familiar with Special Operations. Four mortars were fired at the annex. The first one struck outside the annex. Three more hit the annex.
A motorcade of dozens of Libyan vehicles, some mounted with 50 caliber machine guns, belonging to the February 17th Brigades, a Libyan militia which is friendly to the U.S., finally showed up at the CIA annex at approximately 3 a.m.”
Fox was so busy gloating over their misdirection that they totally missed how thoroughly they discredited themselves. Nothing written in any of the recent versions remotely depicts eyewitness reports. They made the whole thing up. All of those who report a “hodge-podge” of conflicting calls for help through jammed communications, reminiscent of the jamming during the attack on the USS Liberty, are now potential suspects in the planning and execution of the attack itself.
Additionally, there is little possibility the attack in Benghazi could have been carried out without the presence of foreign agents within the State Department and the well-timed distraction of the Terry Jones telethon financed and supported by the CATO Institute and Republican National Committee, of which I am, sadly, a longtime member.
Israel rule
The planned overthrow and subsequent declaration of martial law is a massively financed operation with billions of dollars available. The primary impetus for this action is a belief by members of the “dispensationalist” pseudo-Christian heresy that pervades America’s military service academies that the United States should be subservient to the State of Israel.
Over the past three decades, religious extremists have taken over the Air Force Academy, Annapolis and West Point, teaching mandatory classes in obscure religious beliefs, hatred of Islam and stressing obedience to an “Apocalypse Cult” that stresses pre-emptive nuclear war in order to bring on the “end times” and destroy all life on earth.
Some find these beliefs inconsistent with oaths sworn by all members of the military:
“I, _____, having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)” Oaths, so easy to take, so convenient to break, and so it goes…
GENERAL HAM: The Pentagon’s ‘normal succession’ line simply isn’t kosher.
Obama’s version of the Benghazi compound raid is going unchallenged. Why and how is he getting away with it?
On Monday, Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, released the following statement to the Washington Times: ‘The speculation that General Carter Ham is departing Africa Command (AFRICOM) due to events in Benghazi, Libya on 11 September 2012 is absolutely false. General Ham’s departure is part of routine succession planning that has been on going since July.’ The Slog thinks this is bollocks.
The story behind this one – as advanced in the blogosphere over the last few days – is pretty straightforward. I posted last week and earlier to the effect that there were doubts about a degree of ‘Fifth Columnism’ inside the Benghazi compound on the evening in question. It now seems possible that senior military on the spot were ordered by the White House/Pentagon to take no action: but one senior officer, General Ham, said nuts to that – and was about to launch a counter-attack when two of his junior officers arrested him for disobeying an Executive Order.
On first reading of this update, I was skeptical. It had anti-Obama right-wing conspiracy theory written all over it – a feeling that seemed confirmed by the Pentagon’s rubbishing of it. But just for the hell of it, I went to one or two Federal Government sites (you’d be amazed how dumb Washington can be about some cover-ups being left, um, uncovered as it were) and bless me, this is what I found:
‘SINDELFINGEN, Germany, March 9, 2011 – The Defense Department’s newest combatant command bid farewell to its inaugural commander here today. Army Gen. William E. “Kip” Ward passed the reins of U.S. Africa Command to Army Gen. Carter F. Ham after nearly three years at the helm.‘
Ham had thus been in the job just 18 months when the Banghazi
demonstrationraid hit. He’d been in the job just fifteen months when the Pentagon claimed that ‘routine’ succession planning began. There is no such thing as an ‘average’ length of assignment for a four-star general, but three years is closer to the norm. 15 months isn’t at all routine.
The Obama White House would be on safer ground here if it hadn’t systemically lied from Day One about what it did or didn’t know about the Benghazi compound attack, hadn’t then tried to dump the blame on Secretary Clinton (pretty successfully as it happens), and then stuck with the ridiculous idea that it was a revenge attack in reply to an anti-Islam movie. But then, rogue generals disobeying Presidential orders are more often the subject of Stanley Kubrick films than real life. Dig a little deeper, however, and now and again you find more….while bumping into the odd mole, about his merry business of scratching at the bullsh*t.
“I am committed to working with African partners to confront violent extremists and eliminate terrorist safe havens and support groups on the continent,” growled General Ham to Africom News (a Defense Dept magazine) earlier this year. He was so committed, in fact, he was already planning to retire. Two weeks ago US defesce secretary Leon Panetta told the media that Ham would indeed be retiring forthwith. In fact, four years early.
“Ham was about as ready to retire as Warren Buffet,” says my Washington source, “He got retired is what happened. The guy made everyone nervous because he actually believed in what he was doing. That never plays well in this town”.
I’ve contacted this source many times; as usual, his assessment checks out. General Carter Ham is a hardline anti-extremist God Bless America gung-ho soldier. On June 25th this year, he told Defense News, “there are indications extremist organisations are seeking to coordinate and synchronize their efforts…. to establish a cooperative effort amongst the three most violent organizations, and I think that’s a real problem for us, and for Africa’s security in general. Al-Qaida in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb and Boko Haram may be sharing funds, training and explosive materials. There very truly are those who wish to undermine the formation of [a post-Gadaffi Libyan] government,” he said. “And again, we see some worrying indicators that al-Qaida and others are seeking to establish a presence in Libya.”
Significantly, Ham talked about wanting “to map out what the U.S. assistance might be for Libya well into the future”. But of course, this is now revealed by the Pentagon as a cunning cover-story: clearly what good ole’ boy Carter really wanted to do was draw up a chair to some nice warm fire somewhere and dictate his memoirs.
On announcing the General’s retirement, Panetta said “The nation is deeply grateful for his outstanding service”, which is presumably why he abruptly pensioned the guy off….in favor of a bloke who is not at all at home with the media. My my, fancy that.
Ham’s successor David M. Rodriguez is also made of four-star stuff: but according to my Washington contact, “not media savvy at all. I think this is why he got passed over for the top job in Afghanistan. He’s only interested in soldiering, not selling.”
Equally clear, however, is that running Africom hadn’t been anywhere in his ‘planned succession’ intentions. For in July last year, he was sent back to Washington and a desk job. So after just eleven months of doing this, he is ‘routinely’ chosen to succeed a General – one who may well think, in private, that the President is a traitor.
It all smells, does it not? But here’s the rub: Romney should be all over this like a rash, yet he isn’t. Why?
It’s the same riddle that surrounds Hillary Clinton’s abrupt capitulation nine days ago on the issue of ‘responsibility’ for the US Ambassador Steven’s death. In fact, that surrender to Obama gets curiouser and curiouser in the light of new evidence emerging over the last few days. Four days ago, Fox News (ok, ok, I know, suspect source – but hold your fire) asserted that ‘Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had ordered more security at the U.S. mission in Benghazi before it was attacked where four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Steven, were murdered by Al-Qaeda, but President Obama denied the request’.
Best-selling author Ed Klein said the Clintons’ legal counsel had informed him of this information. Klein also said that former President Bill Clinton has been urging his wife to release official State Department documents that prove she called for additional security at the compound in Libya – which would almost certainly result in Obama losing the election due next Wednesday.
Fox News or not, the story of Obama’s apparent betrayal of his Ambassador continues to gain traction. CIA forces in the compound apparently twice requested permission to help its embattled occupants, and were twice refused.
So, here we have Generals disobeying orders, the White House lying about everything, the Pentagon denying permission for aid to dying Americans, and Big Beast Democrats squabbling amongst themselves…but Mitt Romney – desperately in need of more help if he is to pull off an Election upset – sits on its hands.
Says The Slog’s source in Washington: “You have to remember that privately, Romney is an isolationist…especially when it comes to a deeper involvement in stopping the Islamisation of Africa. He’s more for rattling the sabre than using it to kill anyone. And he doesn’t think we should do anything beyond protecting energy supplies in North Africa. As much as he thinks about this stuff at all, I’m told he thinks that Boko Haram in Black Africa is a job for the Chinese.”
I happen to agree with Romney on that last point, in which case he just might be smarter than I thought. But American voter memories are short (and hazy about geography beyond the Atlantic). I think Obama’s challenger could’ve weighed in much more heavily on something as specific as one act of blatant Presidential treachery.
There’s more yet to all of this, primarily I suspect because it isn’t a conspiracy theory: the Obama side has clearly found something with which to shut up all the major antagonists – something so powerful that it’s quite happy to be loose about stopping a whole range of divergent stories from leaking out. There is no conspiracy here, only a riddle: what is the nuclear option that the Obama White House threatened to use?
Clinton Allowed Stevens to Die in Benghazi to Keep Saudi Gov Involvement in Syria Secret
Dispite the assertions of the US State Department, witnesses to the attack at the rented villa in Benghazi where US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens was murdered say that al-Qaeda was not present.
Obama, using the premeditated incident for political gain, and attempting to fool the American public, first said that the “assault” was the work of terrorism and subsequent revolts against US Embassies worldwide were caused by the 14 minute trailer of an anti-Muslim film that was produced by the US and written and directed by an FBI informant. On September 15th, Obama stated in his weekly address that the US “must also send a clear and resolute message to the world: those who attack our people will find no escape from justice.”
The filmmaker, FBI informant Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, a.k.a. Sam Bacile, was imprisoned in 2009 for banking fraud, he was employed as an informant for the FBI just before he was used as a pasty in the making of the film Innocence of Muslims that the US government is claiming they had no hand in producing. In order to cover their tracks, and facilitate the psy-op that convinces the American public that Islam and al-Qaeda are legitimate terrorists.
Anonymous US officials are stating that the attackers were ill-planned, disorganized and “did not have weapons”. It is said that they were looters looking to steal something of value from the scene of the crime.
The landlord of the villa rented by the US State Department, Mohammad al-Bishari, stated that the was burned down after Stevens and Sean Smith, an employee of the US State Department and Hillary Clinton since 2009 were murdered along with 2 US Marines. Just days before Stevens and his entourage arrived in Benghazi the employees at the villa were flown to the actual US Embassy in Tripoli; with some being flown to undisclosed locations in Europe.
Bashri confirms that the men who attacked the villa, threw grenades over the walls, shoot and killed the US Marines who tried to defend Stevens; then looted and stole sensitive documents containing the names of Libyans working with the US and the Saudi Arabian government in terroristic operations, as well as oil contracts tying the US and Saudi Arabia, and burned it to the ground after murdering Stevens. The assailants were armed with American assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and carried the black flag of the Ansar al-Sharia, or the Partisans of Sharia (PoS).
Sheik Mohamed Oraibi, an Islamic preacher who arrived on the scene soon after the attack began also says that “many were carrying weapons.” Oraibi went on to explain that the attackers came in 20 pickup trucks will mounted machine guns. More witnesses have also reaffirmed that the attackers were heavily armed and Libyan citizens.
The anonymous US official claimed that there was no credible “intelligence that the attackers pre-planned their assault days or weeks in advance.”
However, House Representative Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee stated that there is evidence that this was a “well-armed, well-coordinated event. It had both indirect and direct fire, and it had military maneuvers that were all part of this very organized attack.”

This redirection has made its way to Republican nominee Mitt Romney who stated about the false story that “I—I think the president just said correctly that—that the buck does stop at his desk . . . and—and he takes responsibility for—for that—for that—the failure in providing those security resources, and those terrible things may well happen from time to time.”
Being called Benghazi-gate, this hit turned terroristic event is further being shrouded in propaganda to keep the truth from the American public.
Stevens “diplomatic mission” in Benghazi consisted of surveillance work and intelligence gathering inconjunction with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on the inner workings of the National Transitional Council (NTC) and the use of militant extremist cells by this deface-government installed by the US in Libya after the assassination of Gadhafi in 2010. In fact, when the attack on the villa in Benghazi occurred, it posed a problem for the CIA who evacuated their operatives and contractors from the area prior to the attack. At one point, Stevens met with the PoS in Benghazi, while staying at the gated-villa when talking with the NTC.
During his time meeting with the NTC in Benghazi (where their headquarters are located) Stevens negotiated arms deals with the terrorist organization. Because of Stevens’ involvement with the extremist faction the PoS, his dealings with the NTC and his surveillance operations with the CIA, he became a sitting duck when he travelled to Benghazi to stay at the villa.
Some of Stevens’ deals for arms can be realized in the artillery and weapons being funneled to the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in Syria who are fighting the proxy war for the US. Stevens became the“liaison” between US-sponsored terrorist factions and the movement of arms to Syria to assist the FSA. And this is the reason Stevens was murdered.
Recent shipments to the FSA have come from Saudi Arabia where the Salafi terrorists originated and the PoS is used to further subversive interests. Thanks to the US, the Saudi government and Stevens, the FSA are the most heavily armed state-sponsored jihadist group in the Middle East.
The Brookings Institute, a globalist think-tank said that the “FSA could defeat Syria’s armed forces and conquer the country, or it could continue to gain strength and dishearten regime stalwarts, leading to mass defections or even a coup that causes the regime to collapse. The FSA would then become the new Syrian army, subordinate to an elected Syrian government, with the mission of ensuring the country remains stable and has protected borders.”
They go on to praise this fact and confirm that it is the hope of the globalists that despite a year of violence, their terrorist group will divide the Assad government and all other opposition. The Brookings Institute suggests that the “United States were to embrace the policy of arming the opposition; a key initial step would be to make the opposition more coherent.”
The US has covertly employed former Blackwater mercenaries and certain members of the CIA to aid the FSA in their mission to topple the Syrian government.

Clinton, not wanting the Saudi connection to become common knowledge, and knowing that Stevens was directly involved in arms trade deals between the NTC and the Saudi government to arm the FSA in Syria paved the way for the US Ambassador to be murdered.
The FSA are comprised of Salafi extremists sent from Saudi Arabia to fight against the Assad government for the benefit of the US. They are also the same terrorists that attacked the villa where US Ambassador Stevens was murdered is in Syria fighting the proxy war for the US. The Salafi terrorist cells are given different names depending on their location geographically (such as al-Qaeda, FSA, etc. . . ) so that the idea that they are separate is purveyed to the general public. However, they are subscribing to an extreme form of Islam that is encompassing in Saudi Arabia.
The Salafis being used in Syria are exceptionally violent and adhere to sectarianism with complete abhorrence for the US. This ideal is fostered because it helps to facilitate the psychological mindset necessary for manipulation.
Two weeks ago it was confirmed that the FSA are being armed by Saudi Arabia. The attack in Aleppo was actually funded with ammunition and weaponry from the US-aligned Middle Eastern nation. The FSA denies knowledge of how they came to obtain this shipment from Saudi Arabia; however it is fairly obvious that the Salafi extremists in their country are supporting the US-backed terrorist faction. Saudi officials have also declined comment thinking that refusal to speak will correspond with their ignorance. Yet, Saudi ammunition has been used since the inception of the CIA-trained “rebels” paid for by “foreign aid” from the US and British governments.
And Facebook censors posts for political reasons ???? What happened to the right of freedom of speech , Facebook ?
Over the weekend, Facebook took down a message by the Special Operations Speaks PAC (SOS) which highlighted the fact that Obama denied backup to the forces being overrun in Benghazi.
The message was contained in a meme which demonstrated how Obama had relied on the SEALS when he was ready to let them get Osama bin Laden, and how he had turned around and denied them when they called for backup on Sept 11.
I spoke with Larry Ward, president of Political Media, Inc -- the media company that handles SOS postings and media production. Ward was the one who personally put the Navy SEAL meme up, and the one who received the warning from Facebook and an eventual 24 hour suspension from Facebook because Ward put the meme back up after Facebook told him to take it down.
Here's what Ward told me:
We created and posted this meme on Saturday after news broke that Obama had known and denied SEALS the backup they requested.Once the meme was up it garnered 30,000 shares, approx. 24,000 likes, and was read by hundreds of thousands of people -- all within 24 hrs. On Sunday, I went into the SOS Facebook page to post something else and found a warning from Facebook that we had violated Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities with our meme. So I copied the warning, put it on the meme as as caption, and re-posted the meme to the Facebook page.Along with the re-posted meme, Ward put a link to the Facebook "feedback comment" inbox so visitors to the SOS page could send a message to Facebook if they were as outraged over the meme being jerked down as he was.Ward said Facebook pulled the re-posted meme down within 7 or 8 hours and suspended the SOS account for 24 hours.In other words, Facebook put the Navy SEALS in timeout in order to shield Obama.How low can you go?
Former Pacific Fleet chief: We need full disclosure on Benghazi — now
Retired Admiral James A. Lyons likely pulled few punches as commander in chief of the US Pacific Fleet during his career … and he hasn’t started pulling punches now, either. In a blistering column at The Washington Times, the former commander blasts the lack of action from the US when the administration learned our consulate in Benghazi had come under attack, writing that “courage was lacking” that might have saved at least some of the four American lives lost on September 11. “Someone high up in the administration,” Lyons writes, “let our people get killed” — and he wants some answers immediately as to whom:
The Obama national security team, including CIA, DNI, State Department and the Pentagon, watched and listened to the assault but did nothing to answer repeated calls for assistance. It has been reported that President Obama met with Vice President Joseph R. Biden and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta in the Oval Office, presumably to see what support could be provided. After all, we had very credible military resources within striking distance. At our military base in Sigonella, Sicily, which is slightly over 400 miles from Benghazi, we had a fully equipped Special Forces unit with both transport and jet strike aircraft prepositioned. Certainly this was a force much more capable than the 22-man force from our embassy in Tripoli.I know those Special Forces personnel were ready to leap at the opportunity. There is no doubt in my mind they would have wiped out the terrorists attackers. Also I have no doubt that Admiral William McRaven, Commander of U.S. Special Operations Command, would have had his local commander at Sigonella ready to launch; however, apparently he was countermanded—by whom? We need to know.I also understand we had a C-130 gunship available, which would have quickly disposed of the terrorist attackers. This attack went on for seven hours. Our fighter jets could have been at our Benghazi mission within an hour. Our Special Forces out of Sigonella could have been there within a few hours. There is not any doubt that action on our part could have saved the lives of our two former Navy SEALs and possibly the ambassador.Having been in a number of similar situations, I know you have to have the courage to do what’s right and take immediate action. Obviously, that courage was lacking for Benghazi. The safety of your personnel always remains paramount. With all the technology and military capability we had in theater, for our leadership to have deliberately ignored the pleas for assistance is not only incomprehensible, it is un-American.There has been plenty of speculation as to what Ambassador Chris Stevens was doing in Benghazi in the first place, which Lyons touches on in his column. Even apart from that, though, this argument above is the key to the failure of the American response. We always come to the aid of our diplomatic missions when under attack, especially with as many assets in the area as we had at the time. It’s worth noting that we intervened militarily in Libya in the first place to prevent a massacre of civilians by Moammar Qaddafi in Benghazi — and now we’re supposed to believe that we couldn’t coordinate a military response to an attack in that same city on our own consulate in seven hours?Here’s another curiosity, too. General Carter Han, who commanded AFRICOM on September 11th, had already been rotated back home. Now we find out he’s leaving the Army altogether:General Carter F. Ham, the Combatant Commander of Africa Command (AFRICOM) and a key figure in the Benghazi-gate controversy, is leaving the Army. On October 18, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta had announced that General Ham would be succeeded at AFRICOM by General David Rodriguez. Later speculation tied this decision to the fallout from the September 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens. However on Monday October 29 a defense official told The Washington Times that “the decision [to leave AFRICOM] was made by General Ham. He ably served the nation for nearly forty years and retires after a distinguished career.” Previously all that was known was that General Ham would be rotating out of AFRICOM at some future date, but not that he was leaving the service. General Ham is a few years short of the mandatory retirement age of 64, but it is not unusual for someone of that rank to retire after serving in such a significant command.James Robbins notes that the White House insisted that Ham took part in the decision not to supply assistance to the consulate, but Ham told Rep. Jason Chaffetz that no one had asked him about it. Ham’s retirement could mean that the Pentagon had some sort of disciplinary action pending against him over the incident (also the subject of much speculation, but little in the way of direct sourcing), or it could have a different meaning altogether. It would be inappropriate for Ham to criticize his Commander in Chief while still in uniform, although he could go to Congress to report any perceived malfeasance at any time.
Obama: I’m offended that people would accuse me of not being forthcoming about Benghazi
Via, he’s pulling the same move here that he pulled on Romney at the second debate, deflecting criticism by suggesting that somehow he’s the victim because people found the White House’s “acts of terror”/Mohammed movie protest vacillations suspicious. But okay: If he’s as forthcoming as he says, he has two new chances to prove it. First, how about answering Bing West’s question? If, as heclaimed on Friday, he really did issue an order to secure American personnel in Benghazi, show us the order.
The SecDef and the president have issued contradictory explanations. Either Mr. Obama ordered the Secretary of Defense to “do whatever we need to do,” or he didn’t. And either the secretary obeyed that order, or he didn’t. And he didn’t.It is also not clear whether the SecDef countermanded the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, who is the direct military adviser to the president. Did the president as commander-in-chief issue an unequivocal order that the chairman of the Joint Chiefs received but chose not to execute? Or did the chairman reply that he would do nothing?…Surely it is in the president’s best interests to release a copy of his order, which the military would have sent to hundreds in the chain of command. And if the president did not direct the NSC “to do whatever we need to do,” then who was in charge? When the American ambassador is attacked and remains out of American hands for over seven hours as a battle rages — and our military sends no aid — either the crisis-response system inside the White House is incompetent, or top officials are covering up.
Either way, someone needs to be fired. Tell us who, then do it. Or if it turns out O lied and didn’t issue any directive, tell us that and we’ll do it eight days from now. Second, since day one of this nightmare (actually, even before day one), there’s been circumstantial evidence that the jihadis who attacked the consulate might have have had help on the inside. I’ve never heard of it being addressed at length by the White House or State, maybe because they’re still in fact-gathering mode or maybe because they’d prefer not to gather certain facts about some of our friends in the new Libya we helped create conspiring in the murder of a U.S. ambassador. But let’s have the White House speak up about it either way, now that we have Newsweekraising the question too:
In the dimly-lit street, he told his men the Americans would sit inside the pick-ups and they would all have to climb up on the flatbeds. It was about 4 a.m. As they did so, a small-caliber single shot rang out. Febrayir froze; so did his men. Within seconds there was a whooshing sound of several rocket-propelled grenades being fired. Then a mortar hit the annex roof with startling accuracy, killing former Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. The accuracy of the mortar round points to an experienced hand. “But then we have many fighters nowadays who fought in the rebellion and who are experienced with mortars,” Febrayir says.“Before we even showed up they were there waiting,” Febrayir says. He remains convinced that the security for the rescue was compromised and that attackers were not only eavesdropping on radio chatter but were fed by someone from inside the operations room. He never found out who was exactly in the Chevys. They sped off—as did the two Libyan Shield cars. He never saw them again.
Go read Joel Pollak to find out which of our five top Sunday morning “news” shows pursued either of these questions yesterday.
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