Saturday, September 29, 2012

Can MENA come to the Shores of America ?

So , we head into the election cycle - just about 40 days - anyone notice the apathy ? No one has a burning desire for either Romney or Obama . Speaking on the obvious , nothing will change regarding banksters , the war against the world policies and making the police / nanny state ever more intrusive - whether Obama or Romney wins in November. As apathy turns to discontent , discontent to anger - at what point might the US morph into Greece or Spain type confrontations ? And once we see Greece / Spain type confrontations , might we see the beginning of a second rebellion here at home ? Once the election season ends and the hammer is dropped with Troika like austerity imminent , what to see what comes next.....


Obama’s Approval Rating Mirrors 2010

1:04 PM, SEP 27, 2012 • BY JEFFREY H. ANDERSON

For all of the wishful thinking in the mainstream press about President Obama’s positioning 40 days before this election, Obama’s approval rating looks remarkably similar to what it was on this date in 2010 — shortly before his party lost a historic 63 House seats and 6 Senate seats. On September 27, 2010 — exactly two years ago — Rasmussen Reports showed Obama’s net approval rating among likely voters to be minus-3 percentage points (with 48 percent approving and 51 percent disapproving).  Among those who felt “strongly,” Obama’s net approval rating was minus-14 points (with 27 percent “strongly” approving and 41 percent “strongly” disapproving). 
tws-F-obama smile.07
Today, Rasmussen Reports shows Obama’s net approval rating among likely voters to be minus-3 points (with 48 percent approving and 51 percent disapproving).  Among those who feel “strongly,” Obama’s net approval rating is minus-14 points (with 28 percent “strongly” approving and 42 percent “strongly” disapproving).  So, two years after the biggest Republican gains in the House since before World War II, Americans remain every bit as unimpressed with the way Obama is handling his job as president as they were then.

but if Americans aren't impressed with Obama , why is Romney losing ?

Why Is Romney Losing?

Posted: 09/28/2012 9:39 am

Thirty-nine days before the Presidential election, Mitt Romney doesn't appear to be the formidable challenge to President Obama that many expected. Indeed, Romney's ineptness has turned the tide in Obama's favor. What happened?
A year ago, when the slate of Republican presidential candidates formed, it was Mitt Romney versus the "seven dwarfs:" Bachmann, Cain, Gingrich, Paul, Pawlenty, Perry, and Santorum. Many observers believed Romney would roll over his opponents and quickly garner the Republican nomination. Instead, Rick Santorum won the Iowa caucuses and Newt Gingrich won in South Carolina. For an instant it appeared Mitt might not be the nominee; then he turned on his money machine and swamped the others. At the end of April the Republican National Committee declared Romney the presumptive nominee.
Romney is a reengineered George W. Bush. Both men are the sons of successful Republican politicians; George Romney was Governor of Michigan; George H.W. Bush was President of the United States. Both were educated at elite schools and attended Harvard Business School. Both had a stint as entrepreneurs; Mitt being much more successful than Dubya. Both were governors; Dubya of Texas and Mitt of Massachusetts. And both fit the modern Republican profile of a successful candidate: millionaires with business experience and overt religiosity.
Initially Romney's campaign leveraged American dissatisfaction with the tepid economy by using the slogan, "Obama isn't working." Several polls showed Mitt leading the president. Then the wheels began to come off the Romney express.
There are three explanations for the implosion. The first is that the Obama campaign was able to define the Republican candidate before Mitt could introduce himself to voters. Before the conventions, Democrats began running 'The Man from Bain' commercials that explained how Mitt Romney actually made his fortune as a "vulture capitalist." This heightened the perception that Romney's business experience was not the sort needed to help out the middle class; the message was, "Mitt is a job destroyer not a job creator."
The Obama strategy caused the Romney campaign to go on the defensive. Mitt fought one media fire after another: The correct date for his departure from Bain Capital, his role there, his tax returns, and on and on. Then Romney selected congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate. This move could have boosted the campaign but didn't because Mitt was so vague on policy specifics, voters assumed the notorious Ryan Budget represented Romney's thinking.
Next came a string of epic gaffes. Romney went on a European tour and insulted the British security at the 2012 Olympics. On the home front, he claimed, "corporations are people," and noted, "I like to be able to fire people who provide services to me." On September 18, Mother Jones magazine published a tape of a private Romney fundraiser where Mitt observed, "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what... who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them... my job is not to worry about those people."
Some believe Romney's implosion reveals psychological problems. On the PBS News Hour New York Times columnist David Brooks observed, "And with Mitt Romney, he's faking it. I think he's a non-ideological guy running in an ideological age who is pretending to be way more ideological than he really is. And so he talks like he has this cartoon image of how [he's] supposed to be talking. And, as a result, it is stupid a lot." Political columnist Robert Kahn agreed, "... Mitt Romney's campaign has been so inept... Because the guy is acting, in the old style ... He's trying so hard ... to appeal to the increasingly repressive right-wing, and their irrational arguments -- that he can't do simple things, such as think." Mitt comes across as inauthentic because he's lost touch with his moral center.
Writing in the New Yorker, journalism professor Nicholas Lemann noted a Romney character flaw: "[Mitt] combines an utter confidence in his ability to fix any problem with an utter lack of confidence that he can explain to people what he intends to do."
But there's a fourth reason, Mitt's egotism. A key difference between the first George W. Bush presidential campaign and the current Romney campaign is that Karl Rove managed Dubya, but no one manages Mitt. According to the New York Times Romney chose to have Clint Eastwood give his incoherent endorsement speech at the Republican National Convention. And, after the deaths of the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three American staffers, Mitt decided to respond, "It's disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks."
Karl Rove managed Dubya's decisions and public statements. Mitt doesn't believe he needs that level of supervision. The parade of errors over the last five months shows that he was wrong. Romney's hubris has subverted his campaign.

and a commentary today on elections from ZERO HEDGE - Guest Author " Acting Man "  Pater  T

Guest Post: A Few Remarks On Elections

Tyler Durden's picture

Submitted by Pater Tenenbrarum of Acting-Man
A Few Remarks On Elections
There Is No Choice
We have previously pointed out that there is actually no choice at all for the US electorate at the upcoming presidential election. This is because in terms of the policies they support, it is nigh impossible to differentiate between the two candidates. We were not just making an unsupported assertion – we offered proof, by showing a video in which they speak for themselves. If one cannot rely on their own words to represent what they stand for, what should one rely on?
Of course it has often been that way in the past too, but usually one only finds out for sure after the election, not already before it. However, the Obamney – clones are so glaringly similar that this time there can be no doubt about it from the very outset. Anyone who actually votes in this election (except if they log a protest vote for a write-in candidate) is basically wasting his time. Not only that, they are announcing that they are gullible and that they meekly support the status quo. As George Carlin once said, 'they lose the right to complain'.
Carlin suggested that if as an alternative to voting on election day, he were to stay at home and masturbate, he 'would at least have something to show for it at the end'. And that was actually quite a few years ago, we wonder what he would have to say about the 'choice' voters are presented with today. Evidently though, Carlin had come to the conclusion that democracy was for Old Greeks.
Allen Keyes on Obama/Romney
What prompted us to write this post was that a friend pointed us to the following video in which Allan Keyes discusses the very same problem. He says a number of interesting things:
Just to make that clear: we were hitherto only aware of Alan Keyes in passing and are not saying that we would endorse his political views in toto. In fact, a cursory examination of some other material we have come across suggests that we would have a number of differences with him. However, what he says in the video above is in  our opinion both true and important.
He makes inter alia the point that if one can no longer differentiate between candidates based on their political program, one is theoretically reduced to judging them on the basis of personal sympathy or antipathy. However, unless one actually knows them personally, such a judgment is necessarily based on nothing but superficial impressions – in fact it is not possible to come to an informed decision.
To our mind the most interesting and important observation is however the following: Keyes suggests that if e.g. Mitt Romney were to be elected,  he would have it very easy to pursue the very agenda currently associated with Obama – there would be little push-back from conservatives. They would likely cheer on the very policies they hated when Obama proposed or implemented them, if Romney were to propose them if he comes to power. At the very least their protest would probably be extremely muted.
Think back in this context to Bush the Second and the PATRIOT act, the warrant-less wiretapping scandal, the torture allegations and his wars. Left-liberals were manning the barricades against many of these policies when Bush introduced them. Many of them were convinced that if they voted for Obama, many, or even all of these policies would be repealed (that was certainly part of the whole 'hope and change' shtick). They have for the most part mutely watched for four years while there was not only no repeal, but an intensification of every Bush era rape of the Bill of Rights. Occasionally one of Obama's supporters took notice, such as Rachel Maddow e.g. did when the president talked about instituting presidential powers that sound like something from a dystopian science fiction novel (essentially he argued in favor of the president becoming the nation's personal 'pre-crime' division):
We are merely astonished that she seems so surprised by this. This is precisely how the ruling elites operate. In order to cement unpopular policies, they use the guy who is officially widely thought to be against them. Keyes has essentially hit on the establishment's very modus operandi in directing history in modern times.
The NDAA's provisions for military detention of mere 'suspects' were e.g. an Obama administration brainchild. Most Republicans were fine with it. There were only a few exceptions, such as Rand Paul, who delivered a notable and excellent speech against them (to no avail of course).
Our point is, regardless of who you vote for, you can firmly depend on being disappointed in the areas that actually count. The whole idea that the democratic system such as it is allows voters to alter a nation's course by simply voting for a different  batch of politicians is profoundly mistaken. In reality, the ruling elites use the apparent differences as a slick political ploy: namely to implement whatever agenda they have already decided upon without arousing the anger of the hoi-polloi too much.
One must very carefully parse everything one sees or hears on the 'approved' news media these days. More often than not things are not what they seem, and it only becomes clear after some time in what direction they are about to be taken. Often we are confronted with seemingly diametrically opposed opinions on how to tackle a burning problem. Later a 'compromise' will suddenly and 'unexpectedly' make its entrance, consisting of the very policies the elites wanted to introduce in the first place. Upon hearing of the 'compromise', everybody nods sagely and agrees that this is what should be done, not realizing that they were duped from the very beginning.
A good recent example is actually provided by the euro area crisis. Although it appears at times as though the eurocracy's control over events may be lost, it evidently hasn't happened yet.
Consider though what has happened: decisive steps have been taken to protect the banks on the backs of tax payers and to take the EU closer to the point where it becomes a giant socialistic superstate/transfer union. Which as it were is precisely what Romano Prodi predicted back in 2001 already – namely that the EU's political elite would just wait for a sufficiently dire crisis to implement all the measures it couldn't yet put into place at the time the euro was introduced.
When looking at the countries making up the euro area, one quickly notices that voters in them are likewise faced with the 'no choice' dilemma.  It matters not one whit who they vote for, the centralization agenda continues exactly as before every time.
Occasionally a referendum is held to decide whether there is sufficient popular support for things like e.g. the Lisbon treaty. In cases where the vote is unfavorable for the centralization agenda, the  referendum is simply repeated until the desired outcome has been obtained. Of course it's all just a coincidence, right?
Right,  and we have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

September ( perhaps  October and November as well ) may be in hindsight seen as the calm before the raging storm , here are some views to consider....


In his latest update, Greg Mannarino discusses Fed Presidents Charles Evans and John Williams’ speeches this week calling for FURTHER quantitative easing. 
Williams stated the Fed can extend Operation Twist into infinity (which can only occur if the Fed goes out and PURCHASES T-BONDS DIRECTLY!!).   Mannarino states we are in the middle of an escalating GLOBAL CURRENCY WAR.  The petro-dollar is being threatened as China is colluding with the Saudi’s to bring the largest oil refinery in the history of the world in 2013.
By artificially suppressing interest rates, The Fed is causing massive inflation which will BLINDSIDE Americans.  Mannarino states we are in the CALM BEFORE THE STORM, and Americans’ cost of living is going to SKYROCKET!!  He claims massive civil unrest here in the US is imminent!!
Once the Federal Reserve becomes the lender of last resort, it’s OVER!


Archived from the live broadcast, this lecture by Peter Schiff on the coming fiscal cliff was presented at the Mises Circle in Manhattan: “Central Banking, Deposit Insurance, and Economic Decline.”


TribTab’s Charles Biderman has released a scathing attack on The Fed’s QE∞ policy, stating the Bernanke Put is Dead and QE3 will be worthless as far as the economy is concerned.
 The US government has borrowed and printed $5 trillion in deficit financing since the start of fiscal 2009. Over that same time frame, the Federal Reserve has grown its on and off balance sheet assets by $3 trillion, making for a combined growth of $8 trillion. So printing and borrowing $8 trillion has boosted equity values $10 trillion. That is not all that bad if it would continue.
But if the Bernanke Put is dead and stocks go down despite the current perpetual easing, what else has the $8 trillion accomplished? The answer: much less then the amount of money spent.
Do you get it? To boost take home pay by a $1 the government and Fed prints and borrows $7 to $8 and spends it. It is gone. That was not so bad when the market value of all stocks kept rising by trillions of dollars as the Fed eased. But what happens if the stock market no longer goes up on easings? Given what is happening in the rest of the world these days, I do not think this insanity can go on for very much longer before the world wises up to the naked US emperor.
Biderman’s Full report below:

And you have to wonder at what point Americans get sick of the loss of their freedoms and constitutional rights being seized - all in the name of fighting a war on terror ( which we fund by giving arms / training and financial support to Al the posts below reflect , loss of freedom is not just an american thing - the West is doing its best to shame Russia and China these days....

ARS | ‘Feds got more peoples’ phone call records in last 2 years than previous 10.’
Steve Watson | Only one third fear for privacies. | Clean IT project’s stated goal: reduce impact of Internet use for “terrorist purposes” but “without affecting our online freedom.”
LA Times | DEA waging war on sale of a plant? | Facebook was quick to tamp down speculations of a privacy breach.
Steve Watson | Investigator says protesters have phones scanned, identity logged by authorities as a matter of course.
American Dream | You are being watched.
Huffington Post | 29-year-old art school graduate discusses his controversial mock-ad campaign.
Daily Telegraph | Dotcom stands accused of leading a piracy group that netted $175 million since 2005 distributing copyrighted material.
Epoch Times | Under fire from regulators, Facebook agreed to switch off its face recognition feature for its users in the European Union. | Check out “Honey, You Didn’t Build That” for an explanation of what the president said, that even a child could understand.
Michael S. Rozeff | U.S. failures to address the war crimes and a host of other crimes, domestic and foreign. | Very soon you will need permission from your friendly local government constable to not only chew, but swallow. | Public very concerned about their own privacy if U.S. law enforcement began to use drones in their operations. | Brace yourselves for the next wave in the surveillance state’s steady incursions into our lives.
Saman Mohammadi | What would free speech icon Voltaire say about the political and social marginalization of the 9/11 truth movement?
National Post | Canada showcases drones with big pot bust, totally disregard public privacy.
Business Insider | Instead of getting the hint, they’re putting up more cameras.
Mike Adams | Ah, the hilarity of the nanny state knows no bounds, it seems.


30 Examples of Why America Is No Longer a Free Country

Nanny state is no longer on steroids, it has turned into the Incredible Hulk

From people being harassed for paying by cash or having a food garden, to Americans being arrested for letting their children play outside – innumerable examples over the past few months alone illustrate that the United States is no longer a free country.

The nanny state is no longer just on steroids, it has turned into the Incredible Hulk as collectivism, pernicious bureaucracy, regulation, mass surveillance and outright tyranny runs wild across the country.

Here are just a selection of stories from scores of recent examples illustrating how America is ‘land of the Free, home of the brave’ no more.

- Parents across the country are being arrested for letting their children play outside. A stay at home mom in Texas was held in jail for 18 hours for allowing her children to ride on scooters while she was watching them from her home. A mother in Virginia was also harassed by social services and police for the egregious crime of allowing their children to play outside in another example of how the nanny state is running wild in America.

- The war on lemonade stands, traditionally viewed as a quaint example of America’s entrepreneurial spirit, has intensified in recent months with cops slapping parents with fines for letting their kids run “unlicensed” lemonade stands in three separate incidents over the last year alone. A map of restrictions on child-run concession stands illustrates how there have been dozens of examples of police interference across the country. 

- After an 11-year battle with the state of Oregon, landowner Gary Harrington was found guilty under a 1925 law and sentenced to spend 30 days in jail for collecting rainwater in three “illegal reservoirs” despite the fact that they are on his property.

- Last year, Oak Park, Michigan resident Julie Bass faced jail time for the crime of growing a “vegetable garden in front yard space.”

- Americans are being harassed by utility workers who are trespassing on private property and forcibly trying to install “smart” energy meters which spy on homeowners.

- Cities are passing ordinances that makes recycling compulsory from, with those who fail to comply under threat of fines up to $2500 dollars. In Cleveland, people who fail to recycle are flagged by the RFID chip embedded in their trash can, added to a database and then targeted by green cops who are dispatched to intimidate homeowners.

- The Eleventh Circuit US Court of Appeals has ruled that private contractors operating toll roads on behalf of the state have the power to detain and store records on motorists who pay by cash at toll booths – another example of how using cash is increasingly being treated as a suspicious activity.

- Earlier this year we reported on how the FBI was telling businesses to treat people who use cash to pay for a cup of coffee as potential terrorists.- We also recently highlighted the case of Texas resident Julia Garcia, who was falsely imprisoned and harassed by Wal-Mart employees for attempting to buy goods with a $100 dollar bill the Wal-Mart cashiers erroneously claimed was fake.

- Earlier this year a Tennessee man was charged and jailed by police after using an old $50 bill to pay for goods at a Quik Mart store which turned out to be genuine.

- A DOJ-funded police training manual tells cops to treat people who have a political opinion that “represents a fairly popular point of view” or those who display a political bumper sticker supporting the bill of rights as terrorists.

- The Obama administration has successfully reinstated the indefinite detention provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act, which allow American citizens to be kidnapped and held without charge.

- The TSA has expanded its grope-down checkpoints beyond the airports to highways, political events and even school prom nights.

- The TSA is kicking Americans off flights for having a “bad attitude” and refusing to obey bizarre orders quickly enough.

- A teenager was recently visited by FBI special agents who grilled him over the content of a political You Tube video.

- Americans are being harassed and having their Fourth Amendment rights violated at so-called “border checkpoints” which are actually hundreds of miles within the border.- The EPA is using spy drones to monitor farms as police use Predator drones to hunt down Americans for the crime of allowing cows to wander onto their land.

- Parents are being harassed and investigated by Child Protective Services and police for feeding his daughters organic food, refusing to make them drink fluoride-poisoned tap water and not having them injected with mercury-laden vaccines.

- Police arrested Napa Creek resident Amy Larson for writing “9/11 truth now” in chalk on a sidewalk.

- A Texas police officer shot 45-year-old double amputee Brian Claunch dead after he threatened officers with what turned out to be a ballpoint pen.

- While the government stockpiles ammo in the billions, Americans like Brian Loftus are being questioned by police for buying a couple of boxes of bullets at their local gun store.

- Americans like James Ian Tyson are being put on terror watchlists in response to traffic violations in order to prevent them from attending protests.

- Students in schools across the country are being indoctrinated to accept their treatment as prisoners on parole by being forced to wear RFID tracking chips.- Police departments are attempting to secure approval to spy on Americans with drones as well as surveillance blimps that hover 400 feet above a city and report on “suspicious activity.”

- The Californian city of Lancaster will be the first to experience a “new era in law enforcement surveillance” with residents set to be watched by a permanent eye in the sky which will beam constant video footage back to police headquarters including crimes in progress as well as “scenes of mundane day-to-day life.”

- The National Security Agency is storing all electronic communications and analyzing them in real time in complete violation of the Fourth Amendment.

- Facebook is spying on people’s private conversations for “suspicious behavior” and reporting them to police.

- Former Marine Brandon Raub was kidnapped from his home by police, FBI and Secret Service agents and forcibly incarcerated in a psychiatric ward by authorities in Virginia in response to political Facebook posts.

- Veterans across the country are being declared “mentally defective” on a whim by the state and having their firearms seized.

- The federal government is officially backing Al-Qaeda fighters in Syria while declaring conservative Americans to be extremists and terrorists if they are “reverent of individual liberty.”Land of the free, home of the brave?

Most of the these stories are just from the last few months alone.

America is no longer a free country.

The state has declared war on the American people.

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