Thursday, August 23, 2012

Western direct involvement in Syria may be imminent.... just in time for the GOP National convention ? ...

Realpolitik blurs US red line on Syria
By Pepe Escobar

Weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) are back. It's like we never left Dubya's glory days. No, they didn't find the non-existent Saddam stash on eBay. This is about the existent Bashar al-Assad's. And it's not WMDs as the pretext for an invasion and occupation, but WMDs as a pretext for whatever euphemism the Obama administration comes up with to define "kinetic military activity".

The whole thing is especially suspicious considering Damascus has been on the record stressing it will never use chemical weapons against the "rebels".

Here's US President Barack Obama; "A red line for us is [if] westart seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized." [1] 

So now even a few mustard gas containers slightly wobbling inside a depot may constitute a casus belli. But is it that clear-cut? Obama said this is "a" red line - implying there may be unspecified (covert) others.

Obama also stressed Washington's "fears" of Syria's WMDs "falling into the hands of the wrong people". Considering the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is in the business - alongside Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) stalwarts Saudi Arabia and Qatar - of weaponizing the myriad gangs that constitute the Not Exactly Free Syrian Army (FSA), including hundreds of Salafi-jihadis, this is a stark admission that in fact they are the "wrong people". Ergo, the "right people" is the Assad regime.

Was that an Obama coded message to Turkey - implying that if you invade northwest Syria, now practically an autonomous Kurdish area, you will have to do it alone, without the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and without the Pentagon? Was that a message to the "wrong people", aka the "rebels", that apart from dubiously effective covert CIA shenanigans, you are on your own?

These two possibilities were advanced at the website Moon of Alabama. [2]

Yet it may have finally dawned on the Obama administration that a possible post-Assad Syria ruled by the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood (MB) - which is infinitely more ruthless and sectarian than the Egyptian version - is not exactly an enlightened bet. 
The White House and the State Department are livid over Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi's purge of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces leadership and his upcoming diplomatic trips to - heaven forbid - Beijing and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in Tehran. If the MB in Egypt can pull that off, imagine in Syria, which was not under Washington's sphere of influence to begin with.

So why not let the whole thing drag on in a Lebanonization - rather Somalization - scenario that pins down the Syrian army and weakens the central government in Damascus, thus erasing its "threat" in case the war-mongering Bibi-Barak duo in Israel goes ahead with an attack on Iran?

Stuff your democracy by bombs
Let's see how the situation stands. The Three (Warring) Graces - Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and Samantha Power - and their doctrine of R2P ("responsibility to protect"), applied "successfully" in Libya, miserably floundered in Syria.

There won't be any "no-fly zone" - in fact a declaration of war. There won't be any "humanitarian" bombing; it has been blocked at the UN Security Council no less than three times by Russia and China.

On top of it, the whole decade-old "war on terra" hysteria has proved itself to be an intergalactic scam; the CIA, alongside the House of Saud and Qatar, is once again side-by-side with Salafi-jihadis of the al-Qaeda variety merrily fighting a secular Arab republic.

The key Syria question is how Russia and China see Obama's red line.

Here's the Russian response. [3] Its bottom line is that the US should respect the "norms of international law"; no to "democracy by bombs"; and only the UN Security Council has the power to authorize an attack on Syria. Once again; Russia and China, three times already, have said no to war. Here's the Chinese response. Not via diplomacy, as in Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, but as a Xinhua editorial, which in the Chinese context means Beijing's official version. The headline says it all; "Obama's 'red line' warnings aimed to seek new pretext for Syria intervention". 

Arguably this is the money quote - a summary of US foreign policy according to Beijing; "It is not difficult to find that, under the disguise of humanitarianism, the United States has always tried to smash governments it considers as threats to its so-called national interests and relentlessly replace them with those that are Washington-friendly."

All the key players here - the US, Russia and China - know Damascus won't commit the folly of using (or "moving") chemical weapons. So no wonder Moscow and Beijing are extremely suspicious this "red line" gambit may be yet another Obama deception maneuver, as in "leading from behind" in Libya (this is nonsense; in fact the attack on Libya started with Africom and then was transferred to NATO).

As Asia Times Online has been reporting for over a year, once again the big picture is clear; this is a titanic battle between NATO-GCC and BRICS members Russia and China. At stake is nothing less than the rule of international law, which has been steadily going down the drain since at least Agent Orange being sprayed all over Vietnam, through Dubya's invasion of Iraq in 2003, and with the Libyan "humanitarian bombing" reaching an abysmal low. Not to mention Israel daily threatening to bomb Iran - as if this was a trip to a kosher deli. 
Well, one can always dream of the day a multipolar world will give a pink slip to those issuers of red lines.

1. Obama Threatens Force Against Syria, New York Times, August 20, 2012
2., Moon of Alabama, August 21, 2012.
3. Russia warns West on Syria after Obama threats, Reuters, August 21, 2012.
4. Obama's "red line" warnings merely aimed to seek new pretext for Syria intervention, August 22, 2012.

France considers partial no-fly zone over Syria

France considers partial no-fly zone over Syria

In an interview on FRANCE 24, French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said that the possibility of setting up a partial no-fly zone over Syria deserved to be examined. But he reiterated that France would not enter into a war without a UN mandate.

By FRANCE 24  (text)
French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said that the possibility of a no-fly zone stretching from the Turkish border to the city of Aleppo deserved to be considered, in an interview Thursday on FRANCE 24. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton raised the idea previously on August 11 in Ankara, Turkey.
“The idea of a no-fly over a particular part of Syria, as suggested by Hillary Clinton, should be examined,” he said.
However, he expressed his opposition to establishing such a zone over all of Syria, an act which he said would amount to a declaration of war. “A no-fly zone over all of Syria….could only be set up if there were an international coalition capable of doing it. For the moment, [that coalition] does not exist.”
Le Drian continued, saying that “France is not going to go to war against Syria on its own”, and adding that the Syrian crisis would never be resolved unless President Bashar al-Assad left power.
Asked about the fragmented Syrian opposition, Le Drian struck a reassuring tone. “The opposition is not yet entirely solidified,” he noted, “but we are increasing our efforts to support a robust Syrian opposition that is capable of taking the reins of the country, and, above all, of respecting all Syrian communities.”
The Syrian uprising has resulted in the deaths of some 23,000 people since it began in March 2011, according to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.


Syria assures Russia chemical weapons will not be used – top official

Published: 23 August, 2012, 22:44
AFP Photo / Achilleas Zavallis
AFP Photo / Achilleas Zavallis
TRENDS:Syria unrest

Moscow has received guarantees from Damascus that President Bashar Al-Assad’s forces will not use or move Syria’s chemical arsenal, says Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov.
[Damascus] has given us very clear assurances that the Syrian government… will do everything to ensure secured and guaranteed storage of the chemical weapons. The weapons will be stored where they are now,” Gatilov told the Associated Press Thursday. 
We were assured a very strict control is exercised over the security of the chemical weapons storage and that there is no danger the situation might fall out of control,” he added. 
The deputy FM warned that if the opposition forces manage to seize the arsenal, the chemical weapons might reach Al-Qaeda. If this should happen, there is a very high risk the arsenal might be used “carelessly,” pointed out the top diplomat.
Moscow believes the chemical weapons must never be used, whatever the circumstance, – a point of rare agreement between Russia and Western countries in their handling of the Syrian crisis. 
"The situation getting out of control is fraught with most serious complications not just for Syria, but also for the entire region," said Gatilov. 
Gatilov pledged Moscow will keep up efforts to restrain the Syrian government from using its chemical weapons, but also called on the West to demonstrate more zeal convincing the Syrian opposition to start a political dialogue.
Earlier this week, US President Barack Obama warned that the United States might be forced to intervene in the Syrian conflict if President Assad was to use or move the country's chemical stockpiles.
Gatilov remarked this was a valid threat: unlike the alleged weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the Syrian chemical arsenal is known to exist. Syria is purportedly in possession of nerve agents, including mustard gas- as well as Scud missiles capable of delivery.
But Gatilov reiterated Russia's stance regarding Assad's forced or voluntary resignation, saying that only the Syrian people can decide their country's fate.


Turkey has already warned its Nato partners that it is taking steps to establish a safe haven free of government influence around its border with Syria. By investigating an Iranian link to the car bomb that killed eight - including children - in the city of Gaziantep on Monday, Ankara has fuelled fears the Syrian civil war is spiralling into a regional conflict.
Senior Turkish officials have expressed alarm about the rise of groups linked to the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) since the collapse of President Bashar al-Assad's regime in the north near Aleppo.
Bulent Arinç, the deputy prime minister, told Turkish television that the attackers could be state-sponsored but that the government's suspicions were not limited to Damascus.
"This [investigation] is not limited to Syria. We are investigating all potential foreign sources that could have had a finger in such an attack, including Iran, and others," Mr Arinç, a close ally of the Turkish leader, Recip Tayyip Erdogan, said.
The PKK, a 1970s-style terrorist movement, has enjoyed protection from the Syrian regime in Kurdish parts of Syria for decades. But the emergence of groups tied to it as the defacto rulers of swathes of territory has complicated Turkey's response to the revolt forcing the collapse of Mr Assad's dictatorship.

The meeting is expected to coordinate military, intelligence and political responses to the crisis in Syria where a deadly crackdown on peaceful protests that began in March 2011 has according to activists claimed more than 23,000 lives.
The officials are also due to discuss contingency plans in the case of potential threats including a chemical attack by the regime in Damascus which Washington has called a "red line".
Turkish foreign ministry deputy under-secretary Halit Cevik and US ambassador Elisabeth Jones are leading the delegations made up of intelligence agents, military officials and diplomats at the meeting in Ankara, a Turkish foreign ministry source said.
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Turkey's foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu announced their plans for such a mechanism to hasten the end of President Bashar al-Assad's regime on August 11.


US, UK, French elite units on standby for seizing Syrian chemical weapons

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report August 23, 2012, 8:44 AM (GMT+02:00)
US special forces kitted up for Syria
US special forces kitted up for Syria

US C130 transports stand ready at Middle East air bases to fly into Syria US elite units especially trained in combat against chemical and biological weapons and tactics for securing their arsenals. Western intelligence sources reported Thursday, Aug. 23 that those units are on standby at bases in Israel and Jordan. Their assignments are to engage Syrian troops attempting to move those unconventional weapons systems to battle fronts or Hizballah and to prevent them falling into the hands of radical Islamic rebel fighters, especially Al Qaeda.
Those elite units have been issued with special equipment for chemical and biological warfare including anti-contamination suits. The transports are also fitted with purification equipment for operating in polluted terrain.
These plans followed President Barack Obama’s warning Monday, Aug. 20 that "we cannot have a situation where chemical or biological weapons are falling into the hands of the wrong people." He announced, "We have put together a range of contingency plans.”
Also on standby for stealthy raids into Syria are British special operations forces in Cyprus and French units trained in unconventional warfare in Jordan. Thursday morning, President Obama talked by phone to British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Francois Hollande to wrap up the details of their combined operation in Syria, effectively the onset of direct Western intervention in the Syrian conflict.
The Pentagon had not by Thursday reacted to these reports, but did release photos of US special operations soldiers clad in anti-contamination suits standing by armored personnel carriers equipped for chemical and biological warfare. The American media were also briefed on US plans to land special operations teams trained in the handling of these weapons for missions to protect or destroy unguarded Syrian stockpiles before they fall into the wrong hands. They also refer to air strikes to incinerate chemicals without dispersing them in the air.
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that alongside the US satellites and drone aircraft monitoring the chemical and biological weapons stores, small American reconnaissance teams are already on the ground, marking out landing sites and setting up bridgeheads for the incoming US, British and French special forces.Some - though not all - of the targeted stockpiles of shells and missile warheads are located around centers of the fiercest fighting in Syria’s civil war such as Aleppo in the north.  They may be inadequately guarded since the Syrian ruler may have been forced to throw the units securing them into battle against rebel forces.
Important stress was laid by Obama in his comments Monday on the fact that he had not ordered US military engagement in Syria “at this point.”  In other words, beyond that point, he was free to change that order. DEBKAfile’s military sources report that direct American military involvement in the Syrian conflict has to all intents and purposes begun and looks like expanding in the coming days.
This is a sharp reversal of the military situation in the Middle East. It could lead to all-out warfare exploding in Syria possibly involving Hizballah ahead of a strike against Iran’s nuclear weapons, although this strike could unfold from the Syrian campaign - during its course or at its conclusion.
Washington is hoping that its direct action in Syria, aside from grappling with the unconventional warfare menace looming over the region, may persuade Tehran to cave into American demands for halting uranium enrichment and turn it aside from its race for a nuclear weapon in order to save itself from attack.
The Obama administration is split between two factions on the Syrian question – those who are pushing hard for direct US military intervention - both to end the bloodshed and Bashar Assad’s reign in Syria and to preempt a unilateral Israeli strike against Iran. The other faction is dedicated to Obama’s anti-interventionist mindset.


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