Friday, August 31, 2012

Tepco has ONGOING problems supplying requisite amount of water to RPVs and doesn't know why - if you don't know why , that makes the problem hard to fix ! And more from Energy news on Fukushima and Japan radiation contamination debacle....

Tepco struggling to control the coolant system, “Adjusted the valves 7 times for 2 days”

On 8/30/2012, the injection water for reactor 1~3 decreased all of a sudden. (cf. Sudden decrease of injecting water for reactor1~3, cause not known)
Tepco announced they fixed it but the sudden decrease of water injection happened once again on the same day.
Even on 8/31/2012, It’s still decreasing intermittently but they haven’t verified the reason yet.
Tepco adjusted the valves twice on 8/30/2012, but because the trouble was still going-on, they adjusted the valves 5 times from 0:00 to 15:00 of 8/31/2012.
According to Tepco’s report, water temperature has not changed. Because no water leakage is confirmed, they presume trashes are stuck in the valves to control water amount. They are to clean the inside of the valves.

↓ Tepco’s handout about injection water amount and temperature. [Link]
Tepco struggling to control the coolant system, "Adjusted the valves 7 times for 2 days"


#Fukushima I Nuke Plant: TEPCO Still Doesn't Know Why the Amount of Water into RPVs Dropped Suddenly

but TEPCO's Matsumoto says they flushed the pipes and will see what happens.

For the initial report on the subject, go to my previous post.

Update from Kyodo News (8/31/2012):
福島第1原発の配管に異物混入か 注水量低下問題

Amount of water into the reactors at Fukushima I Nuke Plant dropping - foreign objects clogging up the pipes?


After the amount of water being injected into Reactors 1, 2, and 3's Reactor Pressure Vessels at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant had temporarily dropped below the level specified in the safety regulations, TEPCO announced on August 31 that the company flushed the pipes by temporarily increasing the amount of water as it was possible that foreign objects had clogged up the pipes. TEPCO will wait and see if the amount of water injected into the RPVs recovers before deciding whether the second flushing is necessary.


Since there is no leak from the pipe and the pumps are working normally, TEPCO thinks that the valves that control and adjust the flow of water inside the pipes are clogged up, preventing the flow. 東電の松本純一原子力・立地本部長代理は「何が原因か絞り込む決め手はなく、流量が回復するかは未知数だ」としている。

According to TEPCO's Junichi Matsumoto, "There is no conclusive evidence to narrow down the possible causes, and it is unknown whether the flow will recover."

TEPCO is an incurious bunch, but then, it is an utility company who only knew how to run a functioning nuclear power plant. People who hastily rigged up the water treatment/injection system at Fukushima I Nuke Plant are from the 1st-tier contractors (Toshiba, Hitachi, Mitsubishi, Kajima, Kandenko, etc.), but they are not talking.

The national government has effectively taken over the company, but so far has done nothing when it comes to dealing with the plant.


Fukushima hit by M4.4 and M4.5 quakes an hour apart (MAPS)

Symposium in Japan: Gov’t must be stopped from burying effects of Fukushima radiation — Official: Russian authorities did more for citizens post-Chernobyl than Japan has after Fukushima

Kyodo: Doctors urge radiation action — Gov’t should pay to evacuate irradiated areas, women and children first

NHK: Gov’t to study humans for genetic effects of Fukushima radiation — “Residents have been voicing concerns” — Health to be monitored for next 50+ years (VIDEO)

Trouble injecting water into Fukushima Reactors 1-3 — Flow falls despite increasing coolant level — Tepco unable to identify cause, thinks pipes are clogged

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