Friday, August 24, 2012

Fukushima updates.....

Latest Headlines:

Teacher: “I’m lying to a room full of students” — Fukushima City should be evacuated

Reactor Specialist on Unit 3: “I can’t tell you if it’s a hydrogen explosion or a nuclear explosion” (VIDEO)

Physician: We don’t know what’s happening — Cesium levels in soil not going down after Chernobyl, some areas have gotten even higher (VIDEO)

Atomic Age Symposium II: Fukushima, May 5, 2012 – Session III Roundtable
Published: August 22, 2012
Published by: University of Chicago
Transcript Excerpt
Hiroaki Koide, nuclear reactor specialist and Assistant Professor at Kyoto University’s Nuclear Research Institute:
The problem right now is not figuring out what the cause of the explosion [at Unit 3] is, but where in the world is the melted nuclear material that is in the plant right now?
Unfortunately we have no way of figuring this out…
We can’t go in and look… there’s nothing we can do at this point…
Like I said we have no idea where the melted nuclear core is at this point…
100 tons [was in reactor]…
Fell through steel reactor…
So where did the melted material go from there? It fell into the containment vessel and what is that made of? Also steel.
But what Tepco has been telling us is that underneath that steel is a floor of cement and that cement hasn’t melted yet.
But it’s not as if Tepco has gone there and seen if this is the case or anything like that. It’s based on calculations that they claimed to have worked out that way.
But I don’t believe it for one second.
There’s at least a possibility that it’s gone through all of it and leaked into the ground…
If something like that happens, there’s a strong possibility that it leaks into the environment and the ocean is right there.
I’ve been advocating since last May that a wall be built underground…
That’s really all I know at this point. I really hope something is done so the material doesn’t spread to the greater environment and I’m going to do all I can do to prevent that from happening.

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