Monday, July 23, 2012

James Holmes connected to some real life weird science - DARPA connections ......More weird things connected to the Theatre shootings - cover up after the fact of a previous Federal warning of possible theatre attacks.....Now there are copycat of sorts , in Maine - a guy allegedly brought a loaded gun into a Batman showing . In Arizona and California , two guys act in a disorderly manner and appear to engage in threatening conduct ! NJ incident is striking - as one may recall , allegedly some witnesses in the theatre believe the shooter in the Colorado murders may have been let in by an accomplice ....the NJ incident is an eerie parallel ! Not very widely covered - wtf ....Updates on the Batman massacre - just days after the horrible crimes , look at the opportunists like Michael Chertoff slithering forth - suggeesting a precrime solution for mass shooting crimes ( you can't this up , I mean really. ) And another of those coincidental "drills " , this time Colorado U had an identical drill ( a scenario on how to respond to a shooting in a movie theatre ( again , you can't make this up - but apparently you can plan drills for the same scenario in the same vicinity - just 16 miles away. ) And tell me James Holmes wasn't drugged out of his fricking mind at his Arraignment ?

Shooter James Holmes and DARPA Weird Science

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Kurt Nimmo
July 24, 2012
Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen said accused shooter James Holmes had a number of links to U.S. government-funded research centers, including the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency, or DARPA.
James Holmes was one of six recipients of a National Institutes of Health Neuroscience Training Grant at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Denver, Madsen writes for theWayne Madsen Report.
“The Anschutz Medical Campus is on the recently de-commisioned site of the U.S. Army’s Fitzsimons Army Medical Center and is named after Philip Anschutz, the billionaire Christian fundamentalist oil and railroad tycoon who also owns The Examiner newspaper chain and website and the neo-conservative Weekly Standard,” Madsen explains. “The Anschutz Medical Campus was built by a $91 million grant from the Anschutz Foundation.”

Holmes also worked as a research assistant intern at the Salk Institute at the University of California at San Diego in La Jolla. The Salk Institute teamed up with DARPA, Columbia University, University of California at San Francisco, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wake Forest University, and the candy bar company Mars “to prevent fatigue in combat troops through the enhanced use of epicatechina, a blood flow-increasing and blood vessel-dilating anti-oxidant flavanol found in cocoa and, particularly, in dark chocolate,” according to Madsen’s research.
The DARPA program was part of the military’s “Peak Soldier Performance Program,” which involved engineering brain-machine interfaces for battlefield use and other bionic projects.
In addition, James Holmes’ father, Dr. Robert Holmes, worked for San Diego-based HNC Software, Inc., a company that worked with DARPA to develop “cortronic neural networks” that enable machines to translate aural and visual stimuli and simulate human thinking.
The Holmes family appears to have deep connections to the military-industrial complex. Lt. Col. Robert Holmes, the grandfather of James Holmes, was a graduate Turkish language graduates of the Army Language School, later the Defense Language Institute, in Monterey, California (the same military installation, incidentally, where alleged 9/11 hijacker Saeed Alghamdi trained).
The elder Holmes, Madsen notes, more than likely worked in intelligence. “Typically, U.S. military officers conversant in Turkish served with either the Defense Intelligence Agency or the Central Intelligence Agency at either the U.S. embassy in Ankara or the Consulate General in Istanbul, or both,” he writes.
“Was James Holmes engaged in a real-life Jason Bourne TREADSTONE project that broke down and resulted in deadly consequences in Aurora, Colorado?” Madsen concludes. Operation Treadstone was a fictional top-secret CIA project under which the character Jason Bourne underwent behavioral modification.

and what is interesting is the question of why the attempt to scrub this ..........

Cover-Up? FBI Theater Attack Warning Memory-Holed

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You Tube
Saturday, July 21, 2012
It appears the FBI attempted to remove from the Internet a warning from 2 months ago that theaters would be attacked.

and the warning.....

Feds Warned of Theater Attack in May

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Kurt Nimmo
July 24, 2012
In June, the Public Intelligence website posted a DHS-FBI bulletin warning that terrorists planned to attack theaters in the United States. The official use only “Roll Call Release” issued on May 17 states that terrorists have an interest in attacking theaters and “similar mass gatherings.”
“An early April 2012 suicide bombing of a theater in Somalia and a violent extremist communication advocating attacks on US theaters highlight terrorists’ continued interest in attacking such venues,” the unclassified document explains. “Although we have no specific or credible information indicating that terrorists plan to attack theaters in the United States, terrorists may seek to emulate overseas attacks on theaters here in the United States because they have the potential to inflict mass casualties and cause local economic damage.”
The DHS and FBI cited an alleged call by al-Qaeda to replicate the 2002 Moscow Dubrovka Theater hostage attack. The attackers, described as Chechens who claimed allegiance to the Islamist militant separatist movement in Chechnya, held 850 hostages in the theater for two and a half days. The siege came to an end after Russian Spetsnaz forces pumped a chemical agent into a theater, killing 129 hostages and 39 attackers.
Chechen rebel armies received training from the CIA and Pakistan’s ISI respectively. The leadership of the Chechen armies underwent “intensive Islamic indoctrination and training in guerrilla warfare in the Khost province of Afghanistan at Amir Muawia camp, set up in the early 1980s by the CIA and ISI and run by famous Afghani warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar,” according to Levon Sevunts, writing for The Gazette in Montreal in 1999.
The DHS and FBI encouraged theater owners to monitor their patrons and report any suspicious behavior to them. “These recent instances [in Mogadishu, Somalia ] demonstrate that mass gatherings such as those associated with theaters likely remain attractive terrorist targets. We encourage facility owners and operators, security personnel, and first responders to remain vigilant and report suspicious activities and behaviors that may indicate a potential attack.”
Movie theaters will now be included in the Department of Homeland Security’s Constitution free Gestapo zone – along with mass transit hubs, hotels, and sports stadiums – that is now rapidly expanding from the confines of the nation’s airports. In 2010, the mega-agency announced it planned to step up “security at ‘soft targets’ like hotels and shopping malls, as well as trains and ports, as it counters the evolving Al-Qaeda threat,” according to AFP.
“A decade after the terrorist attacks, at ballparks and concerts, bag checks are now common when entering a venue. Sometimes, there are metal detector wand scans at sporting events. Some movie theaters already have random bag checks” and are looking at “additional measures,” reports Security InfoWatch.

'Dark Knight' showing halted in Bergen County because of unusual activity near emergency door

Published: Monday, July 23, 2012, 11:33 PM     Updated: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 2:21 AM
Batman NJ 1.JPGView full sizeA New Brunswick police officer returns to his vehicle after questioning a man outside the AMC Loews theater in the city last Friday in the wake of the Colorado Batman shootings.
EDGEWATER — About 100 moviegoers in Edgewater were evacuated from a showing of "The Dark Knight Rises" tonight after a patron saw someone opening an emergency exit, officials said.
When police couldn’t find the person believed to have opened the door, the theater was evacuated, a police spokesman said.
The incident comes four days after a gunman entered a showing of the movie on opening night in Aurora, Colo., and shot 12 people dead and injured 58.
Tonight, police were called about 10:25 by someone inside theater 4 at the Edgewater Multiplex on River Road, where the newest Batman movie was being shown, borough police spokesman Sgt. Steven Titus said

"With the recent events, that was the best course of action to take," Titus said.

The caller told police that about 90 minutes into the show, a male stood up, walked to an emergency exit and opened it, spoke to someone outside, and then walk back to his seat and sit down, Titus said.
When police arrived, they stopped the movie, turned up the lights, and asked the person who had opened the door to step forward, Titus said.
After no one did so, police and theater management decided to cancel the showing, he said.
Titus said the crowd, which received refunds to the movie, was calm and orderly.
"I think everyone understood why the precaution was taken," he said.

*  *  *

In Southern California, a man at a Sunday afternoon showing of the film was arrested after witnesses said he made threats and alluded to the Aurora shooting when the movie didn't start.
Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies were called to a cinema complex in Norwalk after moviegoerssaid 52-year-old Clark Tabor shouted: "I should go off like in Colorado." They said he then asked: "Does anybody have a gun?"
A security guard saw Tabor with a backpack on his knees in the second row, but deputies who searched the bag, the theater and its surrounding area did not find any weapon.
Separately, moviegoers in Sierra Visa, Ariz., panicked when a man who appeared intoxicated was confronted during a showing of the movie. The Cochise County Sheriff's office said it caused "mass hysteria" and about 50 people fled the theater.
Off-duty Border Patrol agents tackled Michael William Borboa, 27, who had a backpack with him, according to The Arizona Daily Star. Authorities said it contained an empty alcohol container and a half-empty moonshine bottle.
Borboa was arrested on suspicion of disorderly conduct, and threatening and intimidating.
Despite some jitters over the horrific shooting, moviegoers around the country still flocked to theaters to see the film, which was the final installment of the phenomenally successful Batman trilogy. Warner Bros. reported that it brought in $160.9 million over the weekend, making it the third highest opening weekend ever, after "The Avengers" and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 2."

*  *  *

Cops: Maine man brought loaded gun into ‘Batman’ flick

By Matt Stout
Monday, July 23, 2012 - 
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Timothy Courtois, inset, was arrested...
Photo by AP
Timothy Courtois, inset, was arrested by Main State Police Sunday for having a concealed weapon and speeding. a search of his care and home later turned up this cache of weapons.

A Maine man pulled over for speeding early yesterday morning told cops he brought a loaded gun into a showing of the new “Batman” flick and had a car full of weapons and press clippings from the Colorado movie massacre, authorities report.
Maine State Police say after they arrested Timothy Courtois, 49, around 10 a.m. yesterday morning, they found even more firearms at his Biddeford home, including a machine gun, and thousands of rounds of ammunition.

After police stopped his Mustang on the southbound side of the Maine Turnpike, he told them he was heading to Derry, N.H., to shoot his “former employer,” authorities said. He also admitted to hiding a loaded gun in his backpack during a screening of “The Dark Knight Rises” at a Saco, Maine, theater the night before, police said.
Inside his car, which police clocked at 112 mph, troopers found an AK-47 assault weapon, four handguns and several boxes of ammunition, police said.
“We don’t know truly what his intentions were,” said Maine State Police spokesman Stephen McCausland.
The startling discovery came just two days after police say a deranged gunman burst into an suburban Denver cinema and opened fire, killing 12 people and injuring 58 others in one of the worst mass shootings in U.S. History.
Courtois was held on $50,000 cash bail following his arraignment today at Maine’s Springvale District Court on initial charges of having a concealed weapon and criminal speed, police said. The York County District Attorney’s Office and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Portland is reviewing the case to see if additional federal charges will be lodged against Courtois.


Chertoff Suggests Precrime Solution to Mass Shooting Psychos

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Kurt Nimmo
July 23, 2012
Cognizant of the fact grabbing guns from law-abiding citizens will not stop psychos from engaging in mass shootings, former Homeland Security boss Michael Chertoff believes government should hone its ability to spot criminals and terrorists before they inflict damage on society.

“We need to understand more about the signs that show somebody is either becoming deranged or becoming a terrorist, because there’s a commonality we see again and again, which is a sudden change in behavior, usually some element of becoming more isolated and changing the way you relate to people,” Chertoff said over the weekend on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
Chertoff tried to link the Aurora shooting to Muslim terrorism by mentioning Major Hasan.
“The question there again was how come Major [Nidal Malik] Hasan was not detected earlier before the horrible shootings in Fort Hood,” he said. “It was, in a sense, a failure of imagination. Here’s somebody who was getting radicalized, who was communicating with a terrorist over the internet and yet the people looking at that somehow they couldn’t get their heads around the assumption that somehow because he was an army officer, he couldn’t be turning in a bad direction. So we need to rethink our approach to this.”
Hasan supposedly connived with Anwar al-Awlaki, the Pentagon dinner guest allegedly killed in Yemen by the CIA and the Joint Special Operations Command.
The Aurora and Fort Hood shootings have absolutely nothing in common – except they are both mass killings – but this is irrelevant for the opportunist Chertoff who is more interested in pushing his neocon agenda of forever war against the enemies of Israel. He also has a financial interest in the war against manufactured enemies – his security consulting agency, Chertoff Group, includes a client that manufactures porno scanners for locked-down airports in the United States.
Chertoff has a vested interest in keeping the lucrative war on terror going for as long as possible and may get the opportunity in November. In 2011, he was invited to join a select number of fellow neocons – including Robert Kagan, Eliot Cohen, Dan Senor and other Bush era leftovers – as candidate Romney’s foreign policy “advisory team.”
Despite Chertoff’s obsession with the completely overblown threat posed by radicalized Muslims, the Department of Homeland Security has moved to incorporate precrime in its modus operandi and the shootings in Colorado may work in its favor.
In October, Declan McCullagh reported that a program designed to predict whether a person will commit a crime was being tested.
Earlier in 2011, we reported on efforts by the DHS to subject Americans to precrime interrogations and physiological scans to detect “malintent” at sports stadiums, malls, airports and other public places.
The precrime schemes are an expansion of the “See Something, Say Something” program rolled out by the mega-agency. The creepy program is ominously akin to efforts by East Germany’s Stasi to turn citizens into stool pigeons.
“At the height of its influence around one in seven of the East German population was an informant for the Stasi. As in Nazi Germany, the creation of an informant system was wholly centered around identifying political dissidents and those with grievances against the state, and had little or nothing to do with genuine security concerns,” Washington’s Blog wrote in February.
Likewise, Chertoff’s suggestion that officialdom somehow ferret out “deranged terrorists” and other malcontents is not a serious effort to put an end to mass murder, but it is part of a political agenda (in Chertoff’s case, keeping the Islamic jihadist threat myth alive).
Beyond the Muslim threat, the state is interested in finding “deranged” political opponents before they exercise their First Amendment right to seek a redress of grievances and other terrorist solutions to tyranny.
Chertoff and the establishment know it is virtually impossible to prevent lunatics from engaging in public mass murder. Instead, they are moving to create a framework of surveillance and a network of “see something, say something” informants that will be used for political purposes under the transparent guise of protecting innocents from terrorists.


Eerie Coincidence: Colorado University Had Identical Drill On Same Day As ‘Batman’ Massacre

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Exercise revolved around gunman attacking theater
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, July 23, 2012
A Colorado university just 16 miles away from the site of Friday morning’s deadly ‘Batman’ massacre staged an identical exercise the very same day in which students were trained how to react to a gunman firing at people in a movie theater.
“Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine is in the middle of holding specialized classes in disaster life support for 150 second-year medical students. Along with response to natural disasters like hurricanes and floods and terrorist attacks, one of the scenarios being used to train the students is how to respond if a shooter fires at people in a movie theater and also uses a bomb in the attack,” reports the Denver Post.
The added detail of a bomb being used in the drill makes the similarity with the shooting even more creepy given the fact that gunman James Holmes used a smoke bomb during his deadly assault.

The drill was part of an Advanced Disaster Life Support Training exercise which involves emergency specialist physicians. The shootings in Aurora were actually incorporated into the training at the University which took place just hours after the massacre.

“The irony is amazing, just amazing,” said Rocky Vista Dean Dr. Bruce Dubin.

The school drill was just one of a number of strange coincidences that eerily paralleled the tragic massacre druing which 12 people were killed dozens more injured.

    One of them was a 1986 Batman cartoon in which “a crazed, gun-toting loner walks into a movie theater and begins shooting it up.”
    As Angus Hogwarth notes, there are numerous other paralells with the Batman series involving acts of violence taking place in theaters.
    In another shocking coincidence, a trailer that preceded The Dark Knight Rises for a movie called Gangster Squad shows gangsters emerging from behind the screen to shoot up a movie theater. Warner Brothers were forced to desperately pull the trailer within hours of the Aurora shooting.


    Suspected Shooter Holmes Obviously Drugged During Arraignment

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    Kurt Nimmo
    July 23, 2012

    Appearing in court today, the suspected shooter in the Colorado mass murder case looked to be heavily drugged. Even the corporate media admitted he appeared to be sedated.

    Accused Aurora shooter James Eagan Holmes sat in a Colorado court room with red-and-orange-dyed hair and heavy eyelids this morning at his advisement hearing, speaking not a word and appearing to nearly nod off. The 24-year-old looked confused, blinked slowly, and struggled to keep his head up, leading the press to wonder if he’d been drugged.

    Accused and convicted RFK assassin Sirhan Sirhan said he was drugged before the assassination:

    Sirhan: “It was hot that night and I was very thirsty. I remember that….I went to the bar and had four drinks within about 15 minutes. I couldn’t seem to get enough to drink….They were Tom Collins’s….(but) I wasn’t drunk. I felt drugged. I think somebody slipped something into my drinks. My legs and arms became rubbery. I remember standing by my car but I couldn’t drive so I went back inside and got some coffee.”

    Reynolds: “How did you get downstairs to the pantry?”
    Sirhan: “Somebody guided me. I don’t know who.”
    Reynolds: “Did you have your gun with you?”
    Sirhan: “Yes. When I was in the pantry, the gun was in my hand.”
    Reynolds: “Did you know Robert Kennedy was going to be walking toward you?”
    Sirhan: “No. I didn’t know where I was and I don’t know how I got there. I was in a state of blackout.”

    Recently produced evidence reveals that Sirhan was not the shooter and he was framed. In a federal court last November, lawyers argued that Sirhan “was an involuntary participant in the crimes being committed because he was subjected to sophisticated hypno programming and memory implantation techniques which rendered him unable to consciously control his thoughts and actions at the time the crimes were being committed,” according to court papers.

    Was James Holmes also an unwilling participant and is he being drugged to prevent him from declaring his innocence or revealing other information at odds with the official narrative?

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