Monday, July 2, 2012

Fukushima updates - fog at Fukushima is so appropriate - not just what obscures the plant but the bs Tepco uses to obscure the facts ! !

MONDAY, JULY 2, 2012

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Reactor 6 Turbine Bldg: Smoke From Compressed Air System Control Panel

Another minor incident at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, this time in the basement of the turbine building for Reactor 6, one of the only two reactors at Fukushima that remain in cold shutdown in the true sense (not the definition by the Noda administration) after the accident.

(Reactor 4 did not have the fuel in it because of the extensive maintenance to replace the core shroud, but Reactors 5 and 6 already had the fuel in the reactor cores as they were just coming out of the maintenance and getting ready to restart.)

As TEPCO seems to have stopped issuing the daily handouts for the press in English summarizing the plant status, here's my translation from the Japanese handout on July 2, 2012. (If there are foreign correspondents in Japan who are still interested in what TEPCO has to say on Fukushima I Nuke Plant, why don't you demand that TEPCO continue to issue these handouts in English?)
・H24/7/2 10:08 6号機タービン建屋地下1階で制御用圧縮空気系(IA系)の空気除湿器の点検が完了し空気除湿器の電源を投入したところ、IA系制御盤から白煙の発生を確認、直ちに除湿器制御盤の電源を切断した。10:21に消防署へ連絡。10:25、白煙が発生していないことを確認。10:26、盤内変圧器に焦げ跡があることを確認。その後、浪江消防署および富岡消防署による現場確認の結果、変圧器外観からの目視では原因等の特定には至らなかったため、明日当該変圧器を取り外し後、再度調査することとした。なお、本事象による外部への放射能の影響はない。

7/2/2012 10:08AM After the maintenance of the air dehumidifier for the Compressed Air System (IA System) located on the first underground level in the Reactor 6 turbine building was completed and the air defunidifier was switched on, we noticed the white smoke coming from the IA System Control Panel. We immediately switched off the control panel for the air dehumidifier. We notified the fire department at 10:21AM. At 10:25AM, we confirmed that the white smoke had stopped. At 10:26, we found a burn at the transformer inside the control panel. Later, Namie Fire Department and Tomioka Fire Department did the site inspection, but the visual inspection of the exterior of the transformer didn't identify the cause. We will remove the transformer and investigate. This incident has no effect on the environment in terms of radioactivity.

Black-ish fog covered Fukushima plant

From 17:00 to 18:00 of 7/2/2012, black-ish fog / steam / smoke / gas / … covered reactor 1 ~4.
Black-ish fog covered Fukushima plant

Black-ish fog covered Fukushima plant 2
Black-ish fog covered Fukushima plant 3

Black-ish fog covered Fukushima plant 4

and fog covering the story of what went wrong with the coolant systems for spent fuel unit four....

[Reactor4] Coolant system is still running without proper equipment

SFP4 is not fully recovered yet.
On 7/2/2012, Tepco announced like this below,
Upon investigation, it was confirmed that a system trip occurred as a result of UPS
failure causing the loss of power supply to the monitoring instrument. The cooling
system was recovered by supplying power to the monitoring instrument through a
bypass. After replacing the failed UPS, power supply through UPS will be recovered.
UPS is not replaced to be a new one yet. Tepco stated they are planning to obtain the new UPS during this week.
Also, they still haven’t sorted out what caused the UPS trouble.

[Reactor4] Coolant system is still running without proper equipment 2

[Reactor4] Coolant system is still running without proper equipment 3

[Reactor4] Actual Fukushima worker “In short, it was a design error.”

Actual Fukushima worker Happy11311 tweeted about the failure of the back-up coolant system in SFP4.

The back-up pump was supposed to be started when one of the two pumps stopped, but that one was not supplied with power either, it didn’t work. In the simple put, it was the design error and lack of checking. They are investigating the cause seemingly but I wonder if humidity or salt damage are involved..
Many parts of the coolant system were built provisionally, they didn’t have enough time on designing and checking. It has been a year, it can’t be allowed to leave some parts unchecked yet. Now again, it’s ”look after leap”.

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