Maybe like me , you were wondering why we have seen the strangely desperate moves from Germany of late - think about the German plan ( leaked over the weekend ahead of Monday's Summit ) to take the budget control from Greece and hand it over to a Troika selected enforcer ( Budget Commissioner ) Naturally Greece was in an uproar , Germany backed down - even the eU and France said that was a bridge to far. But the question in my mind was - why did Germany even go there ? Well , here is the answer ! The Bundesbank is fubared - and no , that has NOT been discounted by markets yet !
Maybe like me , you were wondering why we have seen the strangely desperate moves from Germany of late - think about the German plan ( leaked over the weekend ahead of Monday's Summit ) to take the budget control from Greece and hand it over to a Troika selected enforcer ( Budget Commissioner ) Naturally Greece was in an uproar , Germany backed down - even the eU and France said that was a bridge to far. But the question in my mind was - why did Germany even go there ? Well , here is the answer ! The Bundesbank is fubared - and no , that has NOT been discounted by markets yet !