13.20 Big news now. Eurozone finance officials are examining ways of delaying parts or even all of the second bail-out programme for Greece while still avoiding a disorderly default, several EU sources have told Reuters. Delays could possibly last until after the country holds elections expected in April, they said.
While most of the elements of the package, which will total €130 bn, are in place, eurozone finance ministers are not satisfied that Greece's political leaders are sufficiently committed to the deal, which requires Athens to make further spending cuts and introduce deeply unpopular labour reforms.
It is also not clear that Greece's debt-to-GDP ratio, which currently stands at around 160pc, will be cut to 120pc by 2020 via the agreement, as demanded by the 'troika' of the European Commission, IMF and European Central Bank.

Mornin Fred. Yesterday I screwed up and made this private for a while. Gotta run to tallahassee today, so pleas post at Nate's site today.
Mick , I just posted this evening your link at Nate's blog.... i will post you Contest of election here in a few !